Plant Factory

The plant factory is required to keep various environmental factors such as light, temperature, humidity, nutrient solution, wind, and carbon dioxide in the optimal condition at all times.
There are two types of plant factories: one that uses completely artificial light to cultivate plants in a closed space and one that uses sunlight in a glass greenhouse. Both can produce safe, high-quality crops in a systematic and stable manner without being affected by seasonal changes or weather conditions, by controlling environmental conditions required for growth of plants in a highly accurate, artificial way. Plant factories, which have many economic and social advantages, are spreading throughout the country today.

Control of lighting Control of carbon dioxide concentration Control of temperature/humidity Control of nutrient solution Control of air current

Control of lighting

Light is the most important factor for growing plants. The quality and intensity of light from its source are constantly monitored and controlled to maintain the optimal environment for photosynthesis.

Control of lighting

Light is controlled appropriately to maintain the optimal environment for photosynthesis, leading to:
- Improved productivity
- Improved stability
- Improved safety
- Improved functionality

Expected effects

Improved productivity

Improved productivity

Improved stability

Improved stability

Improved safety

Improved safety

Improved functionality

Improved functionality

Control of carbon dioxide concentration

In order to promote the photosynthesis of crops, it is important to supply a fixed amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the cultivation room and maintain its concentration at the optimal level. At various locations in the room, CO2 concentrations can be controlled in a unified manner.

Control of carbon dioxide concentration

CO2 concentrations are maintained at the optimal level to stimulate the photosynthesis of crops, leading to:
- Improved productivity
- Improved stability

Expected effects

Improved productivity

Improved productivity

Improved stability

Improved stability

Control of temperature/humidity

Temperature and humidity are maintained at the level most suitable for growing plants, the temperature of nutrient solution and crops, as well as other conditions are properly controlled, improving yields substantially. In addition to stationary high-performance temperature sensors, HORIBA provides contactless handy temperature sensors, which allow accurate measurement of leaf temperatures.

Control of temperature/humidity

Temperature and humidity are maintained at the optimal level, the temperature of nutrient solution and crops are controlled properly, leading to:
- Improved productivity
- Improved stability

Expected effects

Improved productivity

Improved productivity

Improved stability

Improved stability

Related HORIBA products


Control of air current

Wind (air currents), which have major effects on photosynthesis and transpiration from leaves, are also extremely important to stimulate plant growth. It is necessary to ventilate the cultivation room using air-conditioning systems and check whether all cultivation racks receive appropriate amounts of air.

Control of air current

Wind (air currents) are also extremely important to stimulate plant growth. They greatly affect photosynthesis and transpiration from leaves.

Control of nutrient solution

In hydroponics, it is necessary to properly control the pH level of the nutrient solution and the concentration of nutrients, both of which affect plant growth. In addition to high-performance pH meters, HORIBA's extensive product lineup includes electric conductivity meters, which measure the concentration of nutrients, and ion meters. One of its products also enables users to check the functionality of crops as foodstuffs on the spot because it measures the composition of the crops.

Control of nutrient solution

In hydroponic culture, it is important to control the pH level of the nutrient solution and the concentration of nutrients properly. These factors affect plant growth, and controlling them properly leads to:
- Improved productivity
- Improved stability

Expected effects

Improved productivity

Improved productivity

Improved stability

Improved stability

Related HORIBA products

LAQUA twin

Cutting edge Agriculture

HORIBA supports cultivation environments with cutting-edge sensing technology.

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