Photoluminescence Characterization of Semiconductor Wafers

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Tuesday, June 30th at 2:00 PM (EDT)


Beginning: 06/30/20

Location: Online

Tuesday, June 30th at 2:00 PM (EDT)

Photoluminescence (PL) is one of the simpler, yet powerful non-contact techniques available for semiconductor material characterization. Its implementation in both steady state and time-resolved domains enable its use to characterize a vast array of semiconductor properties as well as in QA/QC applications for wafer and device production.

In this webinar, we briefly introduce the phenomenon and technique of photoluminescence spectroscopy as well as its place and range of applicability among other techniques for semiconductor material characterization. Furthermore, we discuss the wide range of material research and production process related questions that can be addressed by PL in both steady state and time resolved implementations.

We will also discuss the concept and show examples of multi-moding, which is the idea of using various yet complementary spectroscopies on one measurement platform.

Presented by: Francis Ndi, Global Product Line Manager, HORIBA Scientific
microspectrometer for Photoluminescence
MicOS Photoluminescence Microspectrometer