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DeltaRAM X

Random Access Monochromator

The patented DeltaRAM™ X microscope Illuminator is the ideal fluorescence illuminator for quantitative intracellular ion research. It utilizes a galvanometer-based Random Access Monochromator (RAM) that can switch between any wavelength in 2 milliseconds. The DeltaRAM™ X is a complete, self-contained, illuminator that includes a power supply, high intensity xenon light source, DeltaRAM™ X monochromator, TTL shutter and flexible liquid light guide. The wavelength position is a simple analog voltage control.  All you need to add is a microscope adapter for your fluorescence microscope and a USB or PCI DAC interface depending on the software you will be using to drive the illuminator.

Typical Intracellular Applications:

  • Calcium
  • FRET
  • pH
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Membrane potential
  • Ca2+ transients
  • Ca2+ mobilization
  • Ca2+ waves
  • Ca2+ oscillation
  • Ca2+ spikes
  • Ca2+ entry
  • Capacitative Calcium Entry (CCE)
  • Mitochondrial Ca2+
  • Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ pool
  • Lysosomal Ca2+
  • Extracellular near membrane Ca2+
  • Molecular binding
  • Molecular interactions
  • Protein conformation
  • Gene interactions
  • Reaction kinetics
Segmento: Scientific
Fabricante: HORIBA Scientific

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