
Stress imaging of Si microfabricated structures

Stress distribution analysis using Raman images

3D imaging revealed mechanical stress acting in shallow trenches at the edge of the active zone.

There is a linear correlation between the stress applied to Si and the Raman peak shift.

M.Komatsubara,T.Namzu,Y.Nagai,S.Inoue,N.Naka,S.Kashiwagi,K.Ohtsuki :Jph.J.Appl.phys.48(2009)04C021

Microscopic Raman spectrometer LabRAM Odyssey

  • Industry's highest level* stress resolution (*according to our research in 2022)
  • Capable of mapping up to 12 inch wafers
  • Temperature control holder can be used (please consult us separately regarding sample size)


AFM (atomic force microscope) Raman XploRA Nano

  • Acquire physical information by AFM and chemical information by Raman simultaneously
  • Stress distribution analysis on the outermost surface on the order of nm is possible.
LabRAM Odyssey
LabRAM Odyssey

Confocal Raman & High-Resolution Spectrometer

XploRA Nano
XploRA Nano

AFM-Raman for Physical and Chemical imaging


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