Microsemi CRP LC-767G

Microsemi CRP LC-767G_tube open_hematology analyzer_picture_HORIBA Medical
HORIBA Medical’s CRP hematology combined solutions at Point of Care Testing

Hematology Analyzer

This new generation analyzer Microsemi CRP LC-767G is more compact and proposes enhanced software and network connectivity providing higher memory, usability plus a new ratio: Granulocytes-to-Lymphocytes Ratio (GLR).
The Microsemi CRP LC-767G provides information of great clinical value enabling quicker and more accurate medical decisions at the Point of Care to ultimately reduce hospitalization times and patient costs.

Its powerful and accurate CRP analysis allows the screening of patient samples to quantify the presence of inflammation caused by bacterial, viral (e.g. COVID-19), parasites infections (e.g. Malaria) and other treatable inflammatory diseases.

Measurement is possible immediately after blood sample collection from capillary sample, making this analyzer the ideal choice for emergency testing situations.

simultaneous access to Lymphocytes, GLR and CRP provided on this analyzer is very helpful for COVID-19 patient screening, monitoring and triage. 

Furthermore, its micro-sampling capabilities are ideal for pediatric blood analysis, at the Point of Care requiring just 10µL for CBC and 18 µL for CBC+CRP, and can be used with capillary, as well as venous blood samples.

The Microsemi CRP is easy to use and does not require specialist staff. Comprehensive and efficient on-board software with color touchscreen and easy to access patient and control results are features of the Microsemi CRP. Its design characteristics have created an environmentally friendly model that is incredibly compact, lightweight and quiet.  


*This product is not in any way affiliated with MICROSEMI Corporation.
*This product may not be available in your country or region at this time. Please contact your HORIBA sales representative or distributor for more information. 

Segment: Healthcare
Division: Hematology
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA, Ltd.
Base product: Micros Range

World exclusive concept: Simultaneous blood analysis + CRP measurement, along with data management

  • CBC+CRP results in 4 minutes (15 tests / hour)
  • CBC results in 1 minute (55 tests / hour)
  • 19 parameters
  • Open Tube
  • Highly compact and lightweight
  • Micro-sampling on whole blood: CBC: 10μL / CBC+CRP: 18μL
  • Precise cellular identification through electronic impedance variation method
  • Haemoglobin measurement with photometry
  • CRP measurement with immunoturbidimetry technology



  • Ready and easy to use CRP reagent
  • No need to take the CRP reagent out after use
  • Integrated thermal printer (full data printout, including PLT, RBC and WBC curves)
  • User-friendly interface (colour touch screen, virtual keyboard)
  • Data transfer with flash card (archiving to PC, upload of QC target values)


Weight35 lbs / 16 kg
Power supply100 V to 240 V - 50 Hz to 60 Hz

16.9 in (h) x 8.7 in (w) x 17.3 in (d) / 430 mm (h) x 220 mm (w) x 440 mm (d)

PrinterBuilt-in thermal printer
ThroughoutCBC + CRP: 15 tests/hour
CBC: 55 tests/hour
Data management

Complete QC menu, logs (reagents, calibration, maintenance, errors, blank cycle), easy operation
Transmission of patient & QC results to LAN (local area network)
USB memory
External output RS-232C / Ethernet
Mono-directional connection

MemoryResult: 500 samples (with histogram)
QC result: 180 samples / level (with histogram)
ScreenLCD color touch screen



60 samples/hour - Open tube
Parameters (20)CBC, WBC, RBC, RDW, HGB, MPV, HCT, MCV, PLT, MCH, MCHC, LYM# & LYM%, MON# & MON%, GRA# & GRA%, PDW*, PCT*, GLR Indicator
GraphicsPLT, RBC, WBC curves

Blood Volume

CBC + 3DIFF mode: 10 µL

CBC + 3DIFF + CRP mode: 18 µL

Stability48 hours post-draw stability
Operating sample mode

Open tube

IdentificationAlphanumeric 16 digits
Barcode reader (Accessories for all devices)

 * RUO parameters (Research Use Only)



ParametersPrecision (cv %)Linearity
WBC< 2.5 (at 7.5 x 10³/µL)0-80 x 10³/µL
RBC< 1.5 (at 4.5 x 106/µL)0-7.5 x 106/µL
HGB< 1.5 (at 13.5 g/dL)0-23 x g/dl
HCT< 2.0 (at 35.%)0-65%
PLT< 5.0 (at 250 x 10³/µL)0-999 x 10³/µL
CRP< 10.0 (at 10.0 mg/L)0-200 mg/L (whole blood)
CRP< 8.0 (at 120.0 mg/L) 

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* Estos campos son obligatorios.

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