
HORIBA Medical


HORIBA hematology

Chimie clinique

HORIBA Clinical Chemistry


HORIBA Medical

A Montpellier, HORIBA Medical conçoit, développe, produit puis distribue dans le monde entier, des automates de diagnostic in vitro dans les domaines de l'Hématologie, de la Chimie Clinique et de l'Hémostase. Ces instruments contribuent dès aujourd'hui à préparer la santé de demain.


Innovation - New HELO 2.0 Coming Soon

Yumizen G Hemostasis New Factor Assays

Dernières actualités d'HORIBA Medical

HORIBA Chase the Case #31 - Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia (CLL)

Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia (CLL) - Yumizen Hematology Clinical Cases "Chase the Case" #31

In this issue of Chase the Case, we present a clinical case of Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia (CLL). The diagnosis was supported by the HORIBA Yumizen…

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HORIBA Chase the Case #30 - Lymphocytosis

Lymphocytosis - Yumizen Hematology Clinical Cases "Chase the Case" #30

The latest issue of Chase the Case is from a patient diagnosed with Lymphocytosis. See how the hematology analyzer Yumizen H2500 shows the presence of…

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Nucleated Red Blood Cell (NRBC) - HORIBA QSP Newsletter #44

The 44th edition of the QSP Blood Cell Morphology Newsletter features a case study and a quick overview of Nucleated Red Blood Cells (NRBC). 

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Parcourir nos produits

Automation - HELO Solution
Automation - HELO Solution

Global Hematology Solution

Yumizen H Range
Yumizen H Range

Hematology Analyzer

Yumizen G Range
Yumizen G Range

Hemostasis Analyzer

Yumizen C Range
Yumizen C Range

Clinical Chemistry Analyzer

Pentra C Range
Pentra C Range

Clinical Chemistry Analyzer

Pentra 80 Range
Pentra 80 Range

Hematology Analyzer

Pentra 60 Range
Pentra 60 Range

Hematology Analyzer

Micros Range
Micros Range

Hematology Analyzer


Digital Cell Morphology Systems

Auto Compact Starrsed
Auto Compact Starrsed

Vitesse de sédimentation

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