HORIBA MIRA receives Euro NCAP Passive Safety certification.

|   Press Release

-    Strengthening vehicle engineering services

-    Supporting accelerated development through comprehensive vehicle development consulting

-    Assist its customers in a new way by delivering vehicle engineering that emphasizes high safety standards and valuable development support services


HORIBA MIRA (UK), a specialist in vehicle engineering consultancy within the HORIBA Group, has obtained Euro NCAP※1 certification for passive safety performance.
The company has been expanding its facilities to meet the requirements of Euro NCAP, a prestigious automotive safety evaluation in Europe. For Passive Safety, it expanded its existing crash test facility to become the first facility in the UK※2 to perform MPDB※3 crash tests. 
With this certification, the company will strengthen its vehicle engineering services of crash tests within Passive Safety. .
The company's comprehensive consulting capabilities, combined with its excellent vehicle engineering and test engineering, will allow it to propose vehicle development processes that meet the diverse needs of customers worldwide, reducing the man-hours and costs involved in development while shortening development time.

By obtaining both the passive safety certification now and the active safety certification in 2023, HORIBA MIRA will be instrumental in demonstrating safety as it expands its sales of completed vehicles in the automotive market. We will deliver vehicle engineering that emphasizes high safety standards and valuable development support services, which will contribute to enhancing our customers' brand reputation for driving vehicle sales.

※1  Euro NCAP :European New Car Assessment Programme
※2  According to research by HORIBA MIRA as of December, 2024
※3  MPDB:Mobile Progressive Deformable Barrier


[Background and Outline] 
With investment support from Frontier Development Capital, a funding partner of the UK government's West Midlands Integrated Authority, HORIBA MIRA has expanded its facility to achieve certification in Euro NCAP's Active Safety and Passive Safety.
In anticipation of obtaining Passive Safety certification, the company expanded its existing crash test facility by 40% to secure the 170m towing space required for MPDB crash tests. This will be the first test facility in the UK to accommodate the MPDB tests.
With the acquisition of Passive Safety certification, in addition to the Active Safety certification obtained in 2023, HORIBA MIRA will provide vehicle engineering services of crash tests within Passive Safety, from European-based automakers to global startups, and comprehensively support vehicle development that meets Euro NCAP requirements.

[Strengths of HORIBA MIRA]
HORIBA MIRA's test engineering has been highly evaluated by the market and has earned the trust of Euro NCAP to the point that it is participating in the consideration of the demonstration experiment program that sets the following standards.
In addition, the company's vehicle testing facilities can be used to develop vehicles while examining multiple vehicle attributes, which gives it the advantage of reducing development time while cutting labor and costs.
Until now, HORIBA MIRA has supported vehicle development for automobile manufacturers through test engineering. With the recent certification related to safety from Euro NCAP, the company now plays a vital role in demonstrating safety for sales of finished vehicles. This allows HORIBA MIRA to assist its customers in a new way.

【About Euro NCAP】
Euro NCAP is a voluntary automobile safety performance evaluation program in Europe, established in 1996. It consists of 16 members, including European governments, automobile manufacturers, and 11 testing organizations. Operating under the slogan "For Safer Cars," Euro NCAP assesses the safety performance of new cars available for sale, providing consumers with reliable and timely information about passenger vehicle safety.
The ratings from Euro NCAP are highly trusted in the market and play a crucial role in determining automobile insurance rates. This makes them a significant factor for consumers when purchasing a new car. For automobile manufacturers, achieving the highest rating from Euro NCAP not only showcases their commitment to safety but also enhances their brand reputation, and acts as a steppingstone to expanding vehicle sales.

Exterior of the Passive Safety Test Facility
MPDB Crash Tests