Discover Recent Advances in TERS Imaging of 2D Materials

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You are invited to register for our new webinar: Thursday, January 23rd, at 2:00 PM (GMT); 3:00 PM (CET)


Beginning: 01/23/25

Location: Online

Webinar presented by Andrey Krayev, HORIBA Instruments Inc., and Joao-Lucas RANGEL, HORIBA France

In this webinar, a number of exciting developments in the tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) field will be discussed, including non–trivial excitation wavelength dependence of the gap-mode TERS response of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) on silver that resulted in reconsidering the role of resonance effects and strong optical coupling in TERS and completely unexpected discovery of the normally forbidden Raman bands in TERS spectra of the monolayer h-BN on gold caused by the proximity of TMD monolayer to multiple layers exfoliated on top.

In addition, the webinar will also have a beautiful demonstration of the power of cross-correlated atomic force microscopy-based tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (AFM-TERS) nanoscale imaging for characterization of the nanoscale growth defects in Janus TMD monolayers that will help address misconceptions about the composition of Janus material and outline the strategies for improved synthetic procedures. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about recent advances in TERS imaging and the importance of varied excitation wavelength in TERS characterization of 2D materials.
  • Explore new, exciting discoveries in TERS response of monolayer h-BN.
  • Understand the power of TERS imaging for characterization of the nanoscale defects in 2D materials.

Who Should Attend

  • Researchers in the field of 2D materials and near-field optics
