Review of 2019Masao Horiba Awards: Advanced Analytical and Measurement Technologies for Efficient Control System to Maximize the Performance of Electric Power and Batteries Usage

Created by Keijiro IWAO* | |   Technical Reports


Advanced control technologies are required to stabilize power supply and demand especially grid system using renewable energy such as solar power having large fluctuations. Hybrid electric vehicles combing engine / battery / motor also require system control technologies to improve energy efficiency. In order to “generate”, “store” and “utilize” the energy smartly, it is necessary to coordinate the sub-systems with overviewing the behavior of entire system and predicting the time fluctuation of power supply and demand. The theme of 2019 Masao Horiba Awards focused on the technologies to manage this complex system. Along with background of theme, this paper summarize the award-winning technologies such as practical model realizing to be compatible accuracy and simplicity.

Necessary and sufficient modeling for new engineering
Necessary and sufficient modeling for new engineering