Anticoagulant Monitoring

Hemostasis Reagents

VKA therapy inhibits factors II, VII, IX, and X and causes a prolonged PT.

Monitoring of vitamin K anticoagulants (VKAs)

VKAs can prevent stroke or systemic embolization among patients with atrial fibrillation and can treat and prevent venous thromboembolism. The impact of VKAs on clotting is assessed via the International Normalized Ratio: INR = (PT patient/MNPT)ISI. HORIBA Medical offers a comprehensive range for monitoring of VKA therapy:

  • Yumizen G PT Liq 4: the universal reagent, liquid & ready to use for semi-auto and full-auto systems.

Monitoring of heparins

Heparin is a commonly used medication in the treatment and prophylaxis of thromboembolic disorders effective for prevention and treatment of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, for prevention of mural sural thrombosis after myocardial infarction and for treatment of patients with unstable angina. 

  • ACTICHROME Heparin Anti-Xa is a specific, easy to use and fully automated test. Dedicated calibration curves for greater accuracy of your unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight heparin measurement. It is the solution of choice for UFH, LMWH testing.


*This product may not be available in your country or region at this time. Please contact your HORIBA sales representative or distributor for more information. 

Segment: Healthcare
Dział: Hemostasis

Anticoagulant Therapy

ReferenceProduct NameFormulationPackagingSystems
1300081562ACTICHROME Heparin (Anti-FXa) *Lyophilized4 x (5 + 5 + 5 mL)Yumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h


Controls & Calibrators

ReferenceProduct NameFormulationPackagingSystems
1300081563ACTICHROME Heparin UFH Control *Lyophilized2 x 5 x 1 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h
1300081564ACTICHROME Heparin LMWH Control *Lyophilized2 x 5 x 1 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h
1300081565ACTICHROME Heparin UFH Calibrator *Lyophilized2 x 5 x 1 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h
1300081566ACTICHROME Heparin LMWH Calibrator *Lyophilized2 x 5 x 1 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h



*Supplied by BioMedica Diagnostics

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