Pentra C200 Reagents

Clinical Chemistry_Picture_FR

From routine to specific tests

CE marked Liquid Chemistry, reagent range for Pentra C200

Reagents wich simplify your organization

  • A number of tests per cassette to meet your needs
  • Extended linearity and increased stability
  • Just one calibrator and two human controls four routine analysis
  • All specific protein calibrators in a liquid form


Enzymes and Substrates

  • 32 methods CE marked with applications for serum, plasma and urine
  • Fewer post-dilution due to increased linearity
  • Based on the latest research in Clinical Chemistry and complies with international recommendations (IFCC)


Specific proteins

  • 11 applications CE marked with applicatons for serum, plasma, whole blood or hemolysate (HbA1c), and urine (microalbumin)
  • Standardised and in compliance with international recommendations
    • Most specific proteins are standardised against CRM 470
    • HbA1c methodologies on whole blood or hemolysate are NGSP-certified
  • Purified antiserums
    • No risk of antigen excess on IgA, IgG, IgM


*This product may not be available in your country or region at this time. Please contact your HORIBA sales representative or distributor for more information. 

Segment: Healthcare
Firma produkcyjna : HORIBA ABX SAS



ReferenceDesignationContainer formatNumber of testsCalibratorsControls
1620001626ALP CPCassette120118, 19
1220001627ALT CPCassette325118, 19
1220001629AST CPCassette325118, 19
1220001628Amylase CPCassette120118, 19, 31, 32
1220001643CK-MB RTUVial90N/A18, 19
1220001632CK NAC CPCassette120118, 19
1220001630GGT CPCassette275118, 19
1220001631Lipase CPCassetteN/A118, 19
1220001824LDH CPCassette120118, 19
1220001871LDH IFCC CPCassette120118, 19



ReferenceDesignationContainer formatNumber of testsCalibratorsControls
1220001664Albumin CPCassette295118, 19
1220001639Bilirubin, Total CPCassette135118, 19
1220001635Bilirubin, Direct CPCassette115118, 19
1220001954Calcium AS CPCassette265118, 19, 31, 32
1220001634Cholesterol CPCassette305118, 19
1220001636HDL Direct CPCassette235218, 19
1220001934HDL Direct 100 CPCassette100218, 19
1220001638LDL Direct CPCassette100318, 19
1220001645CO2 RTUVial170 (2 x 85)421
1220001933Creatinine 120 CPCassette130118, 19, 31, 32
1220001907Enzymatic Creatinine CPCassette120118, 19, 31, 32
1300063534Fructosamine CPCassetteN/A1429, 30
1220001668Glucose PAP CPCassette265118, 19, 31, 32
1220001667Glucose HK CPCassette190118, 19, 31, 32
1220001637Iron CPCassette350118, 19
5390013042Pointe LactateVial180118, 19
1220001646Magnesium RTUVial170 (2 x 85)118, 19
1220001665Phosphorus CPCassette100118, 19, 31, 32
1220001669Total Protein CPCassette255118, 19
1220001932Total Protein 100 CPCassette105118, 19
1220001640Triglycerides CPCassette265118, 19
1220001670Uric Acid CPCassette270118, 19, 31, 32
1220001641Urea CPCassette270118, 19, 31, 32
1220001642Urinary Proteins CPCassette110131, 32


Specific Proteins

ReferenceDesignationContainer FormatNumber of testsCalibratorsControlsAuxiliary reagents
1220001611CRP CPCassette1756 Std / 16 H.Sens.18, 19 / 25 H.Sens.Saline
1220001900Ferritin 2 CPCassette63718, 19Saline
1220001702HbA1C WBVial2701126 
1220001923Ig A CPCassette801518, 19 
1220001924Ig G CPCassette801518, 19 
1220001925Ig M CPCassette801518, 19 
1300032563Micro ALBUMIN 2 CPCassette1361032 
1220001904Myoglobin 2 CPCassetteN/A923 
1220001613RF CPCassette120822Saline
1220001926Transferrin CPCassette801518, 19 
1300022598ASO 2 CPCassette1001718, 19 
5390012948POINTE Hemoglobin A1c Reagent SetVial1251833 

Calibrators & Controls


ReferenceDesignationContainer FormatLevel DescriptionProducts
1220001652MultiCal10 x 3 mL--1
1220001647HDL Cal2 x 1 mL--2
1220001678LDL Cal2 x 1 mL--3
1220001648CO2 Cal3 x 3 mL--4
1220001898TPU Cal3 x 3 mL--5
1220001616CRP Cal5 x 1 mL2.5, 10, 40, 80, 160 mg/L6
1220001619Ferritin Cal4 x 1 mL500 ng/mL7
1220001618RF Cal5 x 1 mL10, 20, 40, 80, 120 IU/mL8
1220001620Myoglobin Cal5 x 1 mL0, 62.5, 125, 250, 500 ng/mL9
1300032565Micro ALB 2 Cal5 x 1 mL--10
1220001703HbA1c WB Cal1 x 8 mL + 5 x 2 mL--11
1220001698Protein Cal4 x 1 mL--12
1220001773Apo Cal2 x 1 mL--13
1220001680Fructo Cal3 x 1 mL--14
1220001927SP Cal5 x 1 mL--15
1220001983CRP HS Cal2 x 2 mL10 mg/L16
1300022600ASO 2 Cal5 x 1 mL--17
5390012939Hemoglobin A1c Calibrator Set4 x 0.5 mL5%, 8%, 12%, 15%18



ReferenceDesignationContainer FormatProducts
1300054414N MultiControl10 x 5 mL18
1300054415P MultiControl10 x 5 mL19
1220001650CO2 Control3 x 3 mL21
1220001621Immuno I Control L/H1 x 3 mL + 1 x 3 mL22
1220001622Immuno II Control L/H1 x 3 mL + 1 x 3 mL23
1220001731Low CRP Control4 x 1 mL25
1220001704HbA1c WB Control2 x 0.25 mL + 2 x 0.25 mL26
1220001681Fructo Control N3 x 1 mL29
1220001682Fructo Control P3 x 1 mL30
1300023946Yumizen C Urine Level 1 Control6 x 5 mL31
1300023947Yumizen C Urine Level 2 Control6 x 5 mL32
5390012940Hemoglobin A1c Control Set2 x 0,5 mL33


ISE: Electrodes, Solutions and Standards

ReferenceDesignationContainer FormatCapacity
1220001717Standard 1Bottle280 mL
1220001718Standard 2Bottle100 mL
1220001719Reference (PC200)Bottle100 mL
1220001769Etching CPCassette25 mL
1220001971ISE Cleaner CPCassette90 mL

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