Commencing Research with Shiga University on Utilization of Big Data from Measuring Instruments

|   Press Release

Establishing a Collaborative Agreement in Data Sciences

Shiga University, a national university in Japan, has entered into an agreement with HORIBA, Ltd., HORIBA STEC Co., Ltd. and HORIBA Advanced Techno, Co., Ltd. for a collaborative effort in the fields of data science research and human resource development. The aim of this collaboration is to contribute to the creation of new value by utilizing measurement data results obtained from HORIBA products.

From left: Executive Director and Vice-President Masahiko Sue (Shiga University) and Senior Managing Director Masayuki Adachi (HORIBA, Ltd.)

The HORIBA group offers various measuring instruments across five fields throughout the world. This includes, but is not limited to, automobile measuring systems, environmental measuring instruments compliant with various environmental regulations for air, water and soil measurement, blood test equipment for the medical field, gas/liquid flow rate controllers used in the semiconductor manufacturing process and spectroscopic analyzers employed on the cutting edge of science and technology.
An immense amount of data is collected by these instruments, and as IoT (Internet of Things), 5G (5th generation mobile communications systems) and other infrastructure continues to develop, harvesting that data should only become simpler. We then intend to utilize AI to analyze this accumulated big data in order to expand and create new value.

However, there is a shortage of human resources in Japan that includes an insufficient number of data scientists who specialize in analyzing this kind of data. This has spurred a collaboration between the HORIBA group and Shiga University, home to Japan’s very first Faculty of Data Science.This joint research will develop high-level talent in the data science field while contributing to society through production and data science technology.


Collaborative Scope of this Agreement

  • Data science application and new research and development procedures in the field of business
  • Practice material development utilizing practical data
  • Human resource development in the field of data science


Example Themes for Collaborative Research

  • HORIBA, Ltd.
    Services that manage and use vehicle operation data in a cloud
    Improved productivity of gas/liquid flow control equipment (mass flow controllers)
  • HORIBA Advanced Techno
    Reduced operational burden at wastewater treatment facilities