Quality Control Program (QCP)

Accreditation Support

Online Interlaboratory Comparison Program - Our New On-Line Program Confirms and Validates your Internal Quality Control Results in Minutes!

This user friendly on-line peer program allows laboratories to check control performance real time at any point during the month.  Powerful reports such as the All Peer Comparison and the Performance Index are valuable management tools which can be created on demand or automatically via email delivery.  Peer group selection can be World or Country specific.  QCP is a valuable companion to HORIBA's hematology, hemostasis and clinical chemistry products.


For downloading the Quality Control Target, please access from the following links:
Quality Control Target (Hematology)
Quality Control Target (Hemostasis)
Quality Control Target (Clinical Chemistry)

*This product may not be available in your country or region at this time. Please contact your HORIBA sales representative or distributor for more information. 

Сегмент: Healthcare
Подразделение: Hematology
Производитель: HORIBA ABX SAS
Base product: Peri Analytical

Input QC results online
• Generate reports in Real Time
• Compare your results with those of your Peer Group
• Your own Specific Peer Group (Multiple Office Location)

Multiple Reports in Real Time
• All Peer Comparison
• Performance Index
• All Peer History
• Other Instrument Groups
• Levey-Jennings Charts
• Levey-Jennings Chart detailed


To get more information about subscription, please contact directly your HORIBA local representative.

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