Disruptive Technologies in Haematology for POCT Market

автор Damien ISEBE, Philippe PIEDCOQ, Benoit THOUY, Aurélien DAYNES, Michael BRUCKNER* | |   Technical Reports


A blood count is one of the most common blood tests that provides valuable physiological information about the patient’s state. The tests are generally performed in specialized laboratories using “Gold standard” high-throughput diagnostic instruments. These automatic haematology analysers are bulky, need qualified operators for sample and data manipulation, and have more maintenance-related requirements. They also must respond to a growing demand for new complex parameters, complexities that are not required for urgent screening at the Point-of-Care. In this article, we present disruptive technologies for sample preparation and cell detection allowing the development of new generic platforms in haematology for a wide range of Point-of-Care applications.

The advantages of the LensFree Imaging system, compared to classical Flow Cytometry setup