Yumizen H2500/H1500 Blood Controls & Calibrators

Blood Control

ABX Difftrol Twin Packs (2 x 3 mL vial)
2062203ABX Difftrol (2N)
2062207ABX Difftrol (2L)
2062208ABX Difftrol (2H)
ABX Minotrol Retic Twin Packs (2 x 3 mL vial)
2072201ABX Minotrol Retic (2x "2")
2072202ABX Minotrol Retic ("1" & "3")
BFTROL (3 mL vial)
1300039405BFTROL ("2" & "3")



ABX Minocal (2 mL vial)
2032002ABX Minocal

N: normal level, H: high level, L: low level


*This product may not be available in your country or region at this time. Please contact your HORIBA sales representative or distributor for more information. 


Segment: Medical
Division: Hematology

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