The TRIAX 190 is the most compact imaging spectrometer available offering both interchangeable triple grating turret and automated dual exit port selection.

Tunable Laser Gas Analyzer TX-100

The TX-100 Tunable Laser Gas Analyzer simultaneously measures the hydrogen chloride and H2O of the stack gas. Since the single probe method is applied in the optical system of the analyzer, TX-100 can be mounted from...

The UVISEL ER-Extended Range spectroscopic ellipsometer covers a wide spectral range from 190 to 2100 nm.

The UVISEL FUV spectroscopic ellipsometer extends the UVISEL VIS down to 190 nm.

The UVISEL NIR spectroscopic ellipsometer extends the UVISEL VIS in the near infrared spectral range up to 2100 nm.


Products: UVISEL Plus: 190-920 nm | NIR Option: 2100 nm

Measure thin film thickness and optical constants. The reference ellipsometer for research and process development.


Integrated Spectroscopic Ellipsometer and Spectroscopic Reflectometer

The UVISEL VIS spectroscopic ellipsometer covers the spectral range from 210 to 880 nm, and can be easily extended in both FUV and NIR range (see UVISEL FUV and NIR models). The measurement is performed in a few minutes and is extremely repeatable.

Multi-Component Gas Analyzer VA-5000 Series

Multi-Component Gas Analyzer VA-5000 Series is an all-round analyzer that fits today’s measurement needs ...


Single point analysis and automated hyperspectral imaging.

Dual vacuum modes.

Spot sizes from 1.2 mm to 10 µm.