DIGI Series


Plasma Diagnosis Endpoint Monitor
This device allows high speed, high resolution spectrographic analysis by using a 2048CH CCD line sensor. The device offers simple and stable operation under a Windows 2000 environment and allows high precision end-point functions.


  • Compatible with MULTI CPM.
    Central control with a single host computer connected to multiple DigiCPM_J units. Effective for large scale lines.
  • Highly advanced software based on the universal Windows 2000 environment
    Once analysis measurement data has been obtained, new recipe conditions can be applied for analysis and end-point simulations.
  • Full reprocessing
    Spectroscopy data is converted to a time course graph, with screen layout, colors, operation waveforms, and comparative waveforms able to be arranged freely on the screen, making end-point simulation much simpler. Recipes can be loaded with a single click, and standard recipes can simply be added to the pop-up list expansion method for more advanced analysis and simulation screens.Full reprocessing
    Simulation screens
  • Advanced statistical processing, feedback to recipes
    The statistical process editor is able to analyze the log data from many different perspectives, helping to improve anomaly analysis and yield rates. The results of this anomaly analysis can provide feedback to measurements.
  • Strong end-point algorithms
    Flexible wavelength operation waveforms and high pass, low pass, and band pass filters remove any noise, while clear end-points can be determined with differentiation signal waveforms for weighted processing configurations. The device also features auto-scaling control for eliminating errors due to dirty windows.
  • Example of weak signal waveform reprocessing
    Etching monitoring over a small opening area (<0.2%). After a frequency filter processes noise from the original signal, the differential signal (pink line) of the ratio (black line) of (rise (A+B+C)/decrease (D+E+F) curve) leads to accurate detection of the end-point.
  • Auto Pattern Finder, revolutionary software for determining time course patterns. Pattern changes can be found and searched from within the large quantity of specter data. This is a valuable tool for determining the end-point wavelength.
    Auto pattern finder
  • Enhanced automatic endpoint recipe generation (Option)
    The "Recipe Designer" is capable of semi automatically designing an endpoint recipe by identifying significant plasma information contained in raw spectra. One click export to Sigma-P makes it ready to be used by the process engineer.
  • Automatic mailing function
    Detects process anomalies and mails the status automatically. Mails statistical process data for each lot automatically. Improves yield rates and can be used for the total control of processes.
    Equipment configuration diagram

製造会社: HORIBA



Focal length: 140mm

Diffraction grating

Ø70mm aberration correction flat field concave holographic

Wavelength range

200 to 800nm


< 2.0nm actual measurement (with a 50μ slit)

Opening ratio


Minimum sampling rate


Detector element channel

2048 channels

Optical fiber


Vacuum flange



220 (W) x 130 (H) x 400 (D) mm
8.7 (W) x 5.1 (H) x 15.7 (D) in


11kg, 24.2lb


Screen shots for DIGI series
Screen shots for DIGI series
Screen shots for DIGI series
Screen shots for DIGI series
Screen shots for DIGI series




フリーダイヤル 0120-37-6045