

Mini-Crimescope-400W is the most powerful light source in the CrimeScope series and it produces light intensity unmatched by any other forensic light source on the market.

Its 400W arc lamp provides intense uniform illumination and easy bulb replacement. The light intensity at the end of its 10mm diameter liquid light guide is 3-5 times stronger than with the GE 350W Marc Lamps.

The Mini-CrimeScope 400 is the only 400W light source with 1500+ bulb lifetime. No other 400W bulb has the same rating from the bulb manufacturer. This long lifetime 400W bulb is EXCLUSIVELY available from SPEX Forensics.

New Enhanced 400W Lamp design for 2003 provide even more intensity, making the Mini-CrimeScope 400 BRIGHTER THAN 500W XENON, particularly in the Blue/Green, the key wavelengths used in fingerprint and body fluid detection!

The Mini-CrimeScope 400 is brighter than any handheld light source on the market, bar none! Indeed it is brighter than any portable forensic laser.

The Mini-CrimeScope 400 is the most versatile forensic light source, with choice of 6, 8, 12, or 16 wavelengths. Easily upgradeable, the unit can grow with your department's needs.


For Crime Scene and Lab Work:

  • Fingerprints (Porous/Non Porous Surfaces)
  • Body Fluids
  • Human Skin Damage (bite marks and bruises)
  • Shoeprints
  • Gun Shot Residues
  • Human Bone Fragments
  • Drugs / Fibers / Hair / Paint / Grease


  • 10mm diameter liquid light guide for uniform illumination, large spot size and high intensity output.
  • Interchangeable filterwheels at the working end of the liquid light guide, allows for true One Hand Operation. User can select wavelength and direct light output with the same hand, freeing the other to examine and collect evidence.
  • Upgradeability, more filters or filterwheels can be added at any time.

All MCS-400's include the following components:

  • 400W / 1500+ Hour Light Source with Quick-Replace Bulb.
  • 10mm active diameter. liquid light guide (2 meter) with stainless steel armor protection.
  • No time limit on use of white light.
  • 1 UV + 1 yellow + 1 orange + 1 red goggles.
  • Crime Scene Carrying case.

Configurable to your needs!

製造会社: HORIBA Scientific


  • Bulb life time: 1500+hrs
  • Bulb: Arc Lamp (Easy interchange in the field)
  • Dimensions: 9.5" x 7" x 11.5"
  • Weight: 15lbs (light source without guide & accessories)
  • Cooling: 4 rotary fans (Bulb / Supply / Guide)
  • Power Source: 115V/220V

Recommended Configurations

  • MCS-400 with 8 wavelengths for Crime Scene + Mobile Labs
    "W3" interchangeable wheel (field Upgradeable) with filters: UV365, 415, 455, CSS, 515, 535, 555, White.


  • MCS-400 with 16 wavelengths for Lab + Crime Scene, also includes:
    "W1" + "W2" interchangeable filter wheels with filters: UV365, UV390, 415, 445, 455, 475, CSS, 495, 515, 535, 555, SP575, 575, 600, 630, White.

Optional Equipment

MCS-KIT - extra accessories for use with any Mini-CrimeScope 400, includes:

  • One extra orange goggle.
  • Heavy Duty Flexible arm with 2 rugged clamps (to hold light guide) for photography.
  • 2 orange and 2 red camera filters (62mm diameter).

Also Available

MCS-400 6F and 12F Low cost downgraded versions




フリーダイヤル 0120-37-6045