The Customized Dilution Ratio (CDR) mode equipped on HORIBAl's hematology analyzer Pentra XLR and ABX Penra XL80 is a function which enables the automatic extension of lineqrity range. It consists of automatic dilution and rerun of blood samples.
CDR_Customized Dilution Ratio_linearity extension_HORIBA Medical
This CDR setting allows users to select one of dilutions ratios 1/2, 1/3 or1/5 for 2 groups of parameters: "WBC Diff" and "RBC/PLT/HGB."
Specifically it is beneficial for running blood concentrates without manual dilution operation, the CDR mode can be activated either in manual STAT mode or in reflex testing when sample results are out of range.
The CDR mode can extend the sample results within the below linearity ranges:
Linearity: | Standard | CDR** Mode | CDR** Visible range | Unit |
WBC | 0 - 120 | 120 - 360 | 360 - 550 | 103/µL |
RBC | 0 - 8 | 0 - 8 | 8 - 18 | 106/µL |
HGB | 0 - 24 | 0 - 24 | 24 - 30 | g/dL |
HCT | 0 - 67 | 0 - 67 | 67 - 80 | % |
PLT (whole blood) | 0 - 1900 | 1900 - 3800 | 3800 - 5500 | 103/µL |
PLT (concentrate) | 0 - 2800 | 2800 - 5600 | 5600 - 7500 | 103/µL |
Hematology Analyzer
Hematology Analyzer
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