

微量氟濃度監測儀,用於管理濕式製程中硫酸和過氧化氫中氫氟酸的 ppm 等級。

透過連續穩定地測量 ppm 級硫酸、過氧化氫和微量氫氟酸中的氟濃度,實現有效的製程管理。這對於去除蝕刻製程後的聚合物殘留物特別重要。

Chemical Concentration

Automatic CalibrationAC(100-240V)Transmission OutputContact OutputRS-232C

事業部: Semiconductor
產品分類: Wet Process Control
製造商: HORIBA Advanced Techno Co., Ltd.

Achievement of Stable Continuous Measurements

Continuous measurements of trace hydrofluoric acid concentration in sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide has been achieved through the use of an automatic neutralization function for the continuous neutralization of sample water and innovative technology developed for the fluoride ion electrode.

Selectable Measurement Modes According to the Application

Choices can be made between the NORMAL MODE that prioritizes response speed and the ECO MODE that conserves reagent consumption based on your needs.  In addition to continuous real-time concentration measurements, it is possible to select intermittent measurements.

Equipped with an Automatic Calibration Function

Automatic calibration can be performed through the front-panel touch screen or external input signals to the monitor.

Reduction in the Frequency of Chemical Replacement

The automatic switching function between two neutralization tanks helps to reduce the frequency of chemical replacements.

Model nameHF-700A
Measurement methodFluoride ion electrode method
Measurement range0 - 1000mg/L (0 - 100/200/500/1000mg/L)
RepeatabilityWithin +/- 2% of the full scale
StabilityWithin +/- 2% of the full scale/10 min.



* 這些欄位為必填項目。