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Use of 3D Fluorescence for Quality Control of Wine

Presented by Michael Gonsior, Assistant Professor in Molecular Diversity, University of Maryland and Christian Coelho, Assistant Professor in Wine Chemistry, University of Burgundy

White wine presents different chemical compounds according to the climatic conditions of the vintage, the grape variety from where it was picked, the oenological practices used for its elaboration and the oxidation state reached upon barrel/bottle aging. Fluorescence compounds called fluorophores can be seen through fluorescence spectroscopy. This presentation will discuss molecules naturally fluorescent in wine that can be assessed by Emission Excitation Matrix of Fluorescence (EEMF) and is useful for the quality control of wines. The presentation will focus on practical aspects for acquiring white wine EEMF, as special care is required to accurately analyze and interpret it. Also, PARAFAC, a tri-linear decomposition model, has been used to follow different sulfur dioxide treatments of the must, even after several years of bottle ageing. These results will be looked at to give the audience some tools to help them in their reflexion to use EEMF as a routine control of their elaborated wine.

Use of 3D Fluorescence for Quality Control of Wine Webinar


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