The Analytical VIP 2020

HORIBA Scientific is your partner in science.
To better highlight the analytical part of our portfolio, we have created a virtual event called “The Analytical VIP”, started in 2020. Program contents have been designed to reflect all relevant analytical solutions to address your application challenges.
You can now view these contents again or discover them and play them on demand.
Over 15 videos, hosted by our experts and customers, cover multiple themes such as life sciences, environment, materials science, and the many techniques at disposal. Enjoy!

» Pharma and Virology     » Thin & Thick Films     » Particles     » Fluorescence     » Elemental analysis     » Give us your feedback!

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Global introduction

By Florian Formanek, HORIBA FRANCE SAS, Palaiseau, France

Solutions for Pharma and Virology: Raman and SPRi

A Revolution in Confocal Raman Ultrafast Imaging: The LabRAM Soleil

by Thibault Brulé, HORIBA FRANCE SAS, Palaiseau, France
The result of 50 years of innovation by leading instrument manufacturer HORIBA Scientific, the LabRAM Soleil™ multimodal microscope has been designed with application experts to supercharge your analysis and set the new standard for Raman imaging and spectroscopy. It features advanced automation allowing a true self-operation. Ultrafast imaging, up to 100 times faster than a conventional Raman spectrometer, is performed thanks to the innovative SmartSampling™ technology. The patented QScan™ feature offers lightsheet confocal imaging.

Raman Microscopy for Pharmaceuticals

by Thibault Brulé, HORIBA FRANCE SAS, Palaiseau, France
The development of a new drug product is a long road in Pharmaceutical industries. In order to improve this process, researchers are looking for the best instrumental companion. Raman is part of the solution.
In this webinar, we will detail how Raman microscopy can help the Pharmaceutical industry at the different steps from drug discovery to post-marketed investigations, and more specifically during product formulation.

New on-line Measurements of Influenza Virus and Antigen by SPR: A Solution to Improve our Viral Production Bioprocesses

by Dr. Emma Petiot, École d’Ingénieurs en Chimie et Sciences du Numérique - CPE Lyon, France
Nowadays, most of the bioproduction of viruses, either for vaccine development or for viral vectors based therapies, are waiting for an efficient, rapid and reliable quantification tool to monitor virus within the bioprocesses.
Very little technologies have the ability to provide "in-process" understanding of the viral kinetics. SPR assays is one of the sole allowing to provide both particle detection and their activity thanks to ligand/analytes biochemical interactions.
We propose here an SPR tool adapted to work on-line within the process flow path to quantify for the first time active influenza viral particles produced in cell-based production processes.

Thin & Thick Films: Coatings & Surface Characterization

Thin and Thick Films, an Introduction to HORIBA Solutions for Surface and Interface Characterization

by Patrick Chapon, HORIBA FRANCE SAS, Palaiseau, France
See how AFM, Glow Discharge, Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Raman, CathodoLuminescence and XRF combine to provide a multidimensional information on Surfaces and Interfaces of a large range of materials.
This introduction will show the range of techniques available at Horiba and present on a few applications the complementary « point of view » they offer.

Dielectric Properties in Hybrid and Inorganic Perovskite Materials used for Photovoltaics Applications

by Dr. Arthur Marronnier
Hybrid perovskite materials have emerged over the past five years as absorber layers for new high-efficiency yet low-cost solar cells (PSCs) that combine the advantages of organic and inorganic semiconductors.
In order to lead to a better understanding of the electrical transport properties of PSCs, Dr. Arthur Marronnier, will present a comparison between the linear response (DFPT) approach of Density Functional Theory (DFT) and spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements on the hybrid CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite material.

Optical Characterization of CIGS by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry

by Dr. Arnaud Etcheberry, Institut Lavoisier de Versailles, France
In this presentation, Dr Arnaud Etcheberry from CNRS-UVSQ, France, will explain his strategy to perform quantitative spectroscopic ellipsometry on CIGS semiconducting thin films.

Visualize and Characterize Particles from “Smallest to Largest”

Size and Visualization: New Tools for Particles Characterization in Research and Quality Controls

by Christelle Mégier, HORIBA FRANCE SAS, Palaiseau, France
Size is an important parameter to study as it affects many process and final product properties. Some technologies, like Laser diffraction or Nanoparticle tracking analysis can visualize particles or their scattering and this can bring relevant information for research and developments and quality controls.
This webinar will introduce such visualization tools concept and will present some examples of applications.

Nanoparticles: State of the Art for Submicron Particle Characterization

by Christelle Mégier, HORIBA FRANCE SAS, Palaiseau, France
For submicronic particles characterization, different technologies can be of interest. This webinar will focus on three technologies such as Dynamic light scattering, Nanoparticle tracking analysis and Raman microscopy combined with Hyperspectral imaging.
Through some application examples, we will present how such technologies can be complementary for some field of applications dealing with state of dispersion/aggregation, functionalization studies for drug delivery processes.

Correlated TERS, TEPL and SPM Measurements of 2D Materials

by Agnès Tempez, HORIBA FRANCE SAS, Palaiseau, France
With the great challenge of producing large areas of 2D materials, and incorporating them in nanoelectronic devices, comes the need of structural control at the nanoscale. An information-rich nanocharacterization technique is necessary for further deployment of 2D materials-based applications.
With this webcast, discover how correlated TERS, TEPL & SPM measurements are possible using an AFM-Raman instrument. This means that co-localized information about the topography, the electronic properties and the structural quality can be obtained down to the nanometer scale with a single probe and without sample repositioning. We will present data on MoS2, WSe2, and WS2 as well as on a lateral WS2/WSxSe1-x/WSe2 heterostructure on SiO2/Si substrate.

Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Discover our New Modular FLUOROLOG-QM for Steady State and Lifetime Studies in all Research Domains

by Cary Davies, HORIBA Scientific, Piscataway New Jersey 08854 USA
The new Fluorolog-QM is the fourth generation of the world famous Fluorolog, all reflective, modular research spectrofluorometer. The Fluorolog-QM represents the culmination of decades of HORIBA’s industry-leading experience in development and manufacture of the highest sensitivity and greatest versatility of any commercial spectrofluorometer, while adding many new unique benefits.
This presentation will detail these new features and explore some special NIR enhancements for Rare Earth studies.

Novel Methods and Applications of a 2-in-1 Fluorescence and UV-VIS Absorbance Spectrometer

by Karen Gall, HORIBA Scientific, Piscataway New Jersey 08854 USA
Duetta is a 2-in-1 scientific instrument offering both fluorescence and absorbance/transmittance spectra, and uses a multichannel CCD detector for fluorescence spectral acquisition. Because this instrument is such a new and unique configuration of fluorometer/spectrometer, it enables measurement of fluorescence spectra and kinetics as well as UV-visible absorbance and transmittance spectra and kinetics, in ways that traditional single channel PMT-based fluorometer detection cannot. The applications of such a dual spectroscopy instrument include the ability to automatically correct for inner-filter effects when measuring high concentration solutions and this will be demonstrated in detail.

Mendeleïev at HORIBA Scientific: Solutions for Elemental Analysis

Our Solutions for Elemental Analysis

by Patrick Chapon, HORIBA FRANCE SAS, Palaiseau, France
Using a variety of fundamental techniques - plasmas, optics, emission spectrometry, near infrared absorption or XRF, HORIBA proposes a large range of instruments for QC and Applied Research. What is common between the validation of Ti alloys prothesis, the control of LED manufacturing, the environmental control of gazoline for modern diesel vehicles, the follow up of a plating process, the research on historical artifacts or the quality of electrodes for Li batteries: all are made with HORIBA Solutions. See how we can help you for your analytical work.

The Applications of Micro-XRF Spectroscopy

by Jocelyne Marciano, HORIBA FRANCE SAS, Palaiseau, France
The XGT 9000 is the new Micro XRF instrument from HORIBA. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy is a useful tool for the identification of substances and confirming their identity with little or no sample preparation. XRF emission lines, specific to particular elements, enable elemental and chemical identification. XRF analysis has the potential to solve a wide variety of problems associated with analytical chemistry, including forensic science.

Elemental Analysis in Metal and Ceramics

by Matthieu Chausseau, HORIBA Scientific, Piscataway New Jersey 08854 USA
Carbon, Sulfur, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen have a huge impact on the quality and properties of materials. They affect hardness, weldability, ductility, strength, and corrosion resistance to name a few. For steel, alloys, pure metals and ceramics, controlling the amount of these elements from incoming materials to final product is of utmost importance to guarantee their appropriate fit for final use.
With decades of experience in design and manufacturing of elemental analyzers, HORIBA Scientific provides a full range of instruments with unique features and automation.
Learn more about HORIBA Scientific’s elemental analyzers -- the EMGA Series for Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen, the EMIA Series for Carbon and Sulfur, and the new EMIA-Step especially designed for the accurate determination of free carbon in ceramics.


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