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►News / Press release


News / Press Release

PCR: Piece of Cake, Right?

In-house PCR testing – new technologies now make it easier than you think

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Easing NHS winter pressures with POCT

As winter approaches, we consider how point-of-care testing (POCT) can support winter operational resilience within the NHS in line with its Winter…

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Matutes score - HORIBA Medical QSP Newsletter #41

How can we differentiate Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) from other B-Cell Lymphoid Malignancies? The availability of a clinical decision algorithm…

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Leukemia - Yumizen Hematology Clinical Cases "Chase the Case" #26

Understanding a rare hematological malignancy like Plasma Cell Leukemia from simple complete blood count (CBC) analysis by utilizing hematology…

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Working Together to Prevent AMR

This week marks World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW 2023) and HORIBA joins the global call to encourage best practices in use of antimicrobials to prevent…

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HORIBA’s POCKIT Central is a simple to use benchtop instrument which brings the potential for fast, accurate PCR testing into every veterinary lab.

HORIBA UK expands POCKIT Central in-house veterinary PCR range

Visitors to London Vet Show can see how new reagent pack sizes make rapid point-of-care PCR more accessible

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Anemia - HORIBA Medical QSP Newsletter #40

The 40th issue of the QSP Newsletter features Anemia. You will learn the symptoms, clinical workup process, and causes of Anemia. The case study of…

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HORIBA Medical_Chase the Case #25 - Malaria

Malaria - Yumizen Hematology Clinical Cases "Chase the Case" #25

This month's clinical case shows the utility of the Malaria flag on the Yumizen H500 hematology analyzer assisting physicians at the hospital…

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Created by HORIBA Medical |

HORIBA Yumizen hematology analyzers win the 2023 Medical Device Network Excellence Awards

HORIBA Medical is proud to announce that its Yumizen hematology analyzers have won the 2023 Medical Device Network Excellence Award in the category…

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HORIBA UK expands clinical chemistry portfolio with new POINTE G6PD assay kit

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase test kit from HORIBA group company Pointe Scientific, now distributed in UK by HORIBA

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