December 2024 (PDF for print)
Patient Demography: Female, 70 years old
Symptoms: Fatigue and weakness
Diagnosis: Acute Myeloid Leukemia (M5) - Monocytic by flowcytometry
Microscopy: Neutrophils: 05%, Lymphocytes: 11%, Monocyte: 14, Eosinophils: 0%, Basophils: 0%, Blast: 70%
How Yumizen Can Assist: On the DIFF scattergram and count, we observe the presence of high large immature cells (LIC) mostly composed of immature monocytic (IMM) population. The population is essentially composed of monoblasts with very few promonocytes and monocytes. The monoid population is perfectly defined in the DIFF scattergram in the dedicated area. We observe also the severe neutropenia and few nucleated RBCs.
This clinical case has been provided by a laboratory in Brazil.
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