Chase the Case #20 - Lymphoproliferative Syndrome

May 2023 
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Patient Demography

Male aged 64


Lymphoproliferative syndrome

Microscopic Review:

Neutrophils 4%, Lymphocytes 92%. The majority of the cells are small with clumped chromatin and scant cytoplasm. Smudge cells seen (++), Prolymphocytes 2%, Monocytes 2%.

How Yumizen Can Assist:

On the DIFF scattergram, we observe the presence of atypical lymphocytes and cell population moving towards immature lymphocytic cells hints for Lymphoproliferative disorder like CLL. On the Baso histogram, we observe large cells on the right of the curve which correspond to the abnormal form’s cells seen in CLL. On WBC differential count analysis, the ALY count is high (Normal range: 0 to 2.5%).

HORIBA Medical Chase the Case #15 - Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia

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