Environmental assessment

Environmental impact assessment refers to a procedure to investigate the impact of mainly large-scale development projects in advance and then to forecast and to assess their levels of impact on the environment. Since various kinds of measurement, not only preliminary investigation but regular inspection, are implemented with regard to various aspects, including flue gas, atmosphere, and water quality, it is necessary to measure data simply with high accuracy.

HORIBA's Solution & Contribution

HORIBA contributes to Environmental Impact Assessment by providing various types of analysis devices for checking environment measurement data with high accuracy and without complicated operations, including portable gas analyzers, automotive exhaust gas analyzers/opacity smokemeters, ambient monitors, portable water smeters, benchtop water quality meters, and oil content  analyzer.

Example of Environmental Impact Assessment

Example of Environmental Impact Assessment

Related Applications

Chemical Speciation of PM

Chemical Speciation of Particulate Matter from Steel and Refining Plants

Environmental measures by measuring mass and metal concentrations

Related Products


Kontinuierlich messendes Feinstaubmessgerät mit Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse


Datenverwaltungs- und Berichtssoftware

PG-300 Serie
PG-300 Serie

Tragbarer Gas Analysator


Multi-parameter water quality checker

AP-370 Serie
AP-370 Serie

Analysatoren zur Überwachung der Umgebungsluft


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