Collaborative Correlative Microscopy

The Complete Suite from Point of Interest (POI) Relocalization to Multilayer Multimodal Maps

HORIBA Scientific has been at the forefront of correlative microscopy for decades as evidenced by its development of FTIR-Raman, AFM-Raman, and Particle-Raman solutions. The innovative and patented nanoGPS navYX and graphYX solution, combining hardware (a patented localization sample tag) and software (a dedicated platform powered by Digital Surf Mountains and integrated with LabSpec 6 software) paves the way for a new revolution.

Correlative microscopy combines several analysis and imaging techniques. A number of cases can be considered:

  • Sequential measurements on multiple separate instruments, requiring a precise relocation tool for accurate correlated analysis (nanoGPS navYX and graphYX).
  • Simultaneous measurements with a single instrument combining several analytical methods. A typical example is co-localized surface, topographic and chemical measurements with an AFM-Raman system.
  • Correlative nanoscopy - direct and real-time measurements at the nanometric scale, including TERS/TEPL chemical modes correlated with electrical, magnetic, or force-curve AFM measurements, and cathodoluminescence correlated with SEM imaging modalities.

Relocalization with nanoGPS navYX

SEM-Raman combination and more!

Correlative Microscopy with graphYX

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Collaborative Correlative Microscopy video

With Raman becoming a routine analytical technique in recent years for materials, life, and environmental sciences there is an increasing number of scientists eager to combine micro-molecular analysis with other more conventional characterization techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), fluorescence microscopy, and size/morphology analysis. Collaboration between specialists is paramount and transferring the sample from one technique to another with precise spatial relocation has forever been a key issue to overcome.

Correlative microscopy (Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy, or CLEM) is particularly useful for understanding complex situations.

In life sciences, fluorescence, Raman, and electron microscopies are combined to investigate cell membranes, virus, and single molecules; or characterize biomaterials.

In forensics, gun shot residues and body fluids are very often investigated with multiple non destructive characterization methods.

In pharmaceutics, it helps for tablet contamination analysis and blending / dissolution process optimization.

In industry, it is employed for failure analysis or coatings characterization, where thermal, adhesion and crystallographic properties can be advantageously imaged by a combination of SEM, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman microscopy.

In the mining sector, fluorescence and Raman microscopies are often correlated to accurately identify minerals and compounds trapped in solid and fluid inclusions.

In environmental sciences, microplastics are currently of great topical interest and can greatly benefit from multimodal analysis, as can types of particles such as heavy metals or aerosols. See nanoGPS navYX in action for the characterization of nano- and microplastics in this online webinar from Fraunhofer IKTS scientist Prof. Silke Christiansen using ZEISS ZEN Connect and nanoGPS navYX in combination.

Multimodal spectroscopy techniques for nanostructured materials characterization

Application Note - Multimodal spectroscopy techniques for nanostructured materials characterization

In this article, we present the combination of Raman spectroscopy, Photoluminescence and SEM-CL techniques, where the instruments weren’t physically connected. Smart nanostructured materials require a comprehensive understanding of their morphology, elemental and chemical composition. nanoGPS Suite solution allows a colocalized combination of a variety of microscopy techniques, providing a full characterization of nanostructured materials and a precise superimposition of the results obtained.

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Live Webinar: How to correlate Raman with other microscopies?

Raman microscopy provides both molecular and morphological information of the analyzed sample. However, sometimes it is not enough to fully understand a physical or chemical process. That's why the Raman information has to be coupled with complementary information. During this webinar, we will present the different solutions existing to combine Raman with other microscopy techniques in this aim, like SEM, AFM, or all other microscopy techniques.

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Webinar - nanoGPS: Correlative Microscopy Solution

Switching between microscopes has never been so fast and accurate.
Sometimes you would like to access a microscope that is not available in your own lab, don’t you? nanoGPS allows fast relocalisation of points of interest between different microscopes and modalities: Raman, SEM, EDX, EBSD, cathodoluminescence, optical microscope, AFMs and more!

nanoGPS saves time and opens new opportunities to researchers. Join the webinar to learn how user-friendly it is and discuss with our experts how you can try it for yourself!

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Co-localized microscopy techniques for pyrite mineral spatial characterization

Application Note - Co-localized microscopy techniques for pyrite mineral spatial characterization

In this study we have chosen to investigate pyrite and its surrounding minerals in order to identify the different mineral phases as well as the chemical variations from micro- to nano-scale. Using the different microscopes instruments and being co-localized allows a comprehensive characterization of the sample and a precise superimposition of all the images.

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