These might be questions you are asking yourself on a regular basis while handling particles of all kinds. This Webinar will take a closer look into the fundamentals of solids processing, how the industry uses engineering solutions to help with consistency and outline the gaps in our understanding of industrial processing. Practical examples featuring blending, size separation, drying and particle formation using polymer, food and ceramic materials will be used to illustrate these challenges.
A discussion about Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) will explain the difficulties when transitioning from lab discoveries into full-scale production and how to overcome these barriers. We will close out with helpful tips on how academia and industry can best interact to both parties’ advantage.
Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
Dynamic Image Analysis
DeltaRAM-X based millisecond ratio fluorescence QuantaMaster spectrofluorometer
Micro Flow Pressure Insensitive Mass Flow Module
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