This FREE seminar discusses the applications associated with Forensic Light Sources, RUVIS, Imaging Systems, and AFIS. Training consists of both powerpoint classroom learning as well as hands on examples of various technologies.
The first day of the seminar examines the basics of Forensic Light Sources (Long wave UV – Visible- Infrared Light), Basic Image Capture (Cameras, optics for fingerprint work, pure optical enhancements), Digital Image Capture, as well as the basics of Digital Image Enhancement (Software for fingerprint enhancement & case presentation).
Examples of Applications; Fingerprint Development (Cyanoacrylate Fuming Techniques, Dye Staining and Fluorescence powder), Biological Stains detection (Blood techniques - Other body fluids), Trace Evidence Collection (Fibers, Shoeprints, Bones), Bruises and Bite Marks (Melanin / Iron), Currency, Gun Shot Residues.
Techniques; Fluorescence Technique (Advantages over powders), Absorption Technique (Blood, Ninhydrin-ZnCl), Optical Filtering / Bandpass Filtering / Filter combining. Transmission & Blocking (filters).
Software Fingerprint enhancements: Background elimination, FFT treatments, digital filters. Side by side comparison, extractions of points, charting for court presentation, history tracking.
Demonstrated Systems:
Hands-On Experimentation:
The second day explores the complexities of the use of RUVIS: Reflected UV Systems (Short wave UV Light) for the detection and collection of fingerprint evidence. Then details the use of AFIS-APIS: High accuracy approach for latent search in a finger/palm database. AFIS-APIS results that speak for themselves.
Concepts such as; AFIS: Latent finger search: Use skeleton full information (Ridge details, not just minutiae points), and APIS: Latent palm search: detailing the justification for collecting all crime scene palms and palm cards from all.
Among the techniques discussed: Reflected UV Technique (Latent fingerprint and palmprint on non porous surfaces), AFIS Skeleton extraction and manual editing. APIS fast Palm card database creation and latent palm process.
Demonstrated Systems:
These training programs are offered to Law Enforcement Agencies and take place at their facility. Prices include all expenses. Prices are for U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies. Extra fees may apply for foreign destinations, based on availability of airfares, travel time, and local costs.
A potential Host facility should have adequate room and facility for handling chemicals, controlled lighting for use of FLS, as well as classroom seating for lectures.
Who Should Attend: This is a Beginning Level Seminar. All Law Enforcement personnel welcome
Length of Training: 2 Days
Class Size: Up to 15 people
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