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News / Press Release

Leukemia - Yumizen Hematology Clinical Cases "Chase the Case" #26

Understanding a rare hematological malignancy like Plasma Cell Leukemia from simple complete blood count (CBC) analysis by utilizing hematology…

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Anemia - HORIBA Medical QSP Newsletter #40

The 40th issue of the QSP Newsletter features Anemia. You will learn the symptoms, clinical workup process, and causes of Anemia. The case study of…

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HORIBA Medical_Chase the Case #25 - Malaria

Malaria - Yumizen Hematology Clinical Cases "Chase the Case" #25

This month's clinical case shows the utility of the Malaria flag on the Yumizen H500 hematology analyzer assisting physicians at the hospital…

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Autor: HORIBA Medical |

HORIBA Yumizen hematology analyzers win the 2023 Medical Device Network Excellence Awards

HORIBA Medical is proud to announce that its Yumizen hematology analyzers have won the 2023 Medical Device Network Excellence Award in the category…

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HORIBA Medical Chase the Case #24 - Lymphoproliferative Syndrome

Lymphoproliferative Syndrome - Yumizen Hematology Clinical Cases "Chase the Case" #24

Introducing this month's Chase the Case - Take a closer look at how our hematology analyzers, with their precise ALY* & IML* parameters, contribute to…

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Cold Agglutinin Disease - HORIBA Medical QSP Newsletter #39

The 39th issue of the QSP Newsletter features Cold Agglutinin Disease (CAD), a form of autoimmune hemolytic anemia at cold temperatures. You can learn…

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Award Winning New Yumizen H500 Hematology Analyzer

Yumizen H500 hematology analyzer wins the Best New Clinical Instrumentation of 2022

HORIBA Medical is proud to announce that its Yumizen H500 benchtop hematology analyzer has won the Best New Clinical Instrumentation Award for 2022 at…

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Dengue - Clinical Cases of Yumizen H2500 Hematology Analyzers "Chase the Case" #23

Chase the Case #23 showcases a case obtained with HORIBA's new Yumizen H500 analyzer, specifically designed for small mid-size laboratories. Discover…

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Hemoglobinopathies (Part 3), Blood Film Preparation - HORIBA Medical QSP Newsletter #38

The latest issue features thalassemia, one of the Hemoglobinopathies. Discover how it occurs, the categories, population patterns, and more. This…

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Atsushi Horiba, Chairman & Group CEO of HORIBA, becomes an Honorary Citizen of the City of…

On the occasion of HORIBA Medical's 40th anniversary, on July 7, 2023, Atsushi Horiba received the medal of Honorary Citizen of the City of…

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