Microplastics sorting down at the μm scale - PMMA (yellow), Polystyrene (blue), Polyethylene (red)
In a world where climate changes faster and faster, controlling pollutants becomes crucial. Raman microscopy is now the most effective technique to investigate morphology and composition of a large panel of particles like microplastics and aeroallergens.
Download application note: Analysis of microplastics in hand sanitizers using ParticleFinder™
Download our e-book: Microplastics
Download application note: Microplastics
IFREMER, Brest, France – Maria El Rakwe, Research scientist:
We really like the LabRAM Soleil’s optimized design, which speeds up analysis of microplastics. It has helped us to improve our profitability, no matter what kind of environmental sample we’re looking at (notably water).