External Dimension
High-grade type Gas Monitor for Chamber Cleaning End Point Monitoring
The IR-400 offers real-time monitoring of the chamber cleaning end point during the deposition process. By optimizing the cleaning process, the IR-400 reduces cleaning time and gas usage. This reduction in cleaning gas usage leads to a reduction in chamber damage and increases the life times of all the systems components.
Benefits of real-time end-point monitoring with the IR-400
Applications example
Measurement Techniques
Reliable, High-performance
Non-dispersive Infrared Absorptiometry (NDIR)
The infrared absorptiometry method employed by the IR-300 Series uses the principle of the absorption by gas molecules of the infrared light emitted from an infrared light source. A sample output from a sample that has absorbed the gas being measured is compared to a reference output with no absorbance, and the result is converted into a gas concentration. The use of this double beam method enables long-term, stable measurement results to be obtained.
The optical system is made up of a light source, gas cell and double beam detectors. The stability of the double beam detector has been proven over a period of more than 40 years.
External Dimension
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Large Flow Liquid Source Vaporization Control System
Digital Liquid Mass Flow Meters / Controllers
Multi Range/Multi Gas Digital Mass Flow Controller
Capacitance Manometer
Explosion-proof Gas Analyzer
Analysatoren zur Überwachung der Umgebungsluft
Kohlendioxid Analysator
THC Analysator
APMA-370 Kohlenmonoxid Analysator
APNA-370 Stickoxid Analysator
Ozon Analysator
APSA-370 Schwefeldioxid Analysator
Überwachungsstation für die Umgebungsluftqualität
Continuous Emission Monitoring System
Stack Gas Analysis System
FTIR Exhaust Gas Analyzer Dilute Measurement Type
FTIR Exhaust Gas Analyzer Direct Measurement Type
CO, CO2, CH4 Spurengas Analysator
Stack Gas Analyzer
Vapor Concentration Monitor
Heated Type NOx Analyzer
Heated Type THC Analyzer
Motor Exhaust Gas Sulfur Analyzer
Motor Exhaust Gas Analyzer
Automotive Emission Analyzer
Motor Exhaust Gas Analyzer
FTIR Motor Exhaust Gas Analyzer
Laser Spectroscopic Motor Exhaust Gas Analyzer
On-board Emissions Measurement System
On-board NH3/N2O Measurement System for real-world driving
Tragbarer Gas Analysator
Process Analyzer System
Kontinuierlich messendes Feinstaubmessgerät mit Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse
Mehrkomponenten-Gasanalysator für den Prozess und CEMS
Explosion-proof Gas Analyzer
Analysatoren zur Überwachung der Umgebungsluft
Überwachung der Luftqualität
Kohlendioxid Analysator
APMA-370 Kohlenmonoxid Analysator
OEM gas (CO/HC) analyzer
OEM gas (NO) analyzer
Continuous Emission Monitoring System
Hydrogen Analyzer
Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen Analyzer
(Flagship High-Accuracy Model)
Oxygen/Nitrogen Analyzer (Entry Model)
Carbon/Sulfur Analyzer
(Flagship High-Accuracy Model)
Carbon/Sulfur Analyzer (Entry Model)
Carbon/Sulfur Analyzer (Tubular Electric Resistance Heating Furnace Model)
Stack Gas Analysis System
Stack Gas Analyzer
CO, CO2, CH4 Spurengas Analysator
Stack Gas Analyzer
Vapor Concentration Monitor
Laser scanning oil film detector
Motor Exhaust Gas Analyzer
Automotive Emission Analyzer
Motor Exhaust Gas Analyzer
On-board Emissions Measurement System
On-board NH3/N2O Measurement System for real-world driving
Oil content analyzer
Oil content analyzer
Tragbarer Gas Analysator
Hydrogen Gas Analyzer
Siloxan Analysator
Mehrkomponenten-Gasanalysator für den Prozess und CEMS