Device configuration and operation

Well-separated particles dispersion makes it possible to conduct particle-by-particle measurement.
Examples: graphite, silica, alumina, toner, medical powder, etc.
Manual Dispersion (Optical Image)
 Agglomeration and clustering can easily take place with conventional particle dispersion methods. For complex particle analysis techniques, these clusters which are detected as single, large particles can compromise the results of your analysis. | Dispersion with a Particle Disperser (Optical Image)
 Particle disperser allows you to obtain a well separated and uniform powder dispersion. This ensures that the dispersed samples provide precise and dependable results when using particle analysis techniques. |
Combining with other analytical techniques broadens the range of analysis
Marking specific particles is possible for complex analysis by micro Raman, SEM, and other microscopic techniques.
- Automatically locate individual
- Chemical ID of individual particles
- Particle size distribution and particle shape analysis
- Particle classification and sorting based on size, shape, and chemical information
Example of particle analysis using Raman spectroscopy
Particles Disperser in combination with particle analysis software such as Particle Finder makes easy the automatic analysis of complex mixtures.