For phosphorescence or delayed fluorescence measurements, it is sometimes desirable to cool samples to liquid-nitrogen temperature. The FL-1013 LN dewar accessory enables these measurements with Fluorolog and FluoroMax systems.
The sample is placed in the quartz cell which is then immersed in the liquid-nitrogen-filled dewar. A Teflon cone in the bottom of the dewar keeps the quartz sample-tube centered. The portion of the dewar which is in the light path is constructed of fused silica to preserve the UV measurement capabilities of the instrument. A Teflon cover on the top of the dewar captures any excess liquid nitrogen that bubbles out of the assembly. A pedestal holds the dewar in the sampling module.
Also included is a “stove-pipe” sample cover that allows LN to be added as needed.
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Decay Analysis Software
TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer
Modular Research Fluorometer for Lifetime and Steady State Measurements
Steady State and Lifetime Benchtop Spectrofluorometer
HORIBA’s latest development in TCSPC detector technology
For Single‐Walled Carbon Nanotube Excitation‐Emission Map Simulation and Analysis
Single photons detection with picosecond accuracy
Automated Fingerprint and Palmprint Identification - AFIS & APIS Systems
LED Phosphorescence Light Sources
Automated Organic Analysis & Early Warning Sentinel
For Instant Water Quality Reports
Decay Analysis Software
TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer
SPAD array imaging camera for dynamic FLIM studies at real time video rates
Modular Research Fluorometer for Lifetime and Steady State Measurements
Steady State and Lifetime Benchtop Spectrofluorometer
HORIBA’s latest development in TCSPC detector technology
Steady State and Lifetime Nanotechnology EEM Spectrofluorometer
For Single‐Walled Carbon Nanotube Excitation‐Emission Map Simulation and Analysis
Single photons detection with picosecond accuracy
PLQY Integrating Sphere
LED Phosphorescence Light Sources
Connect any of our steady state and hybrid fluorometers to virtually any upright or inverted microscope!