
Webinar: The use of SPRi for the characterization of multiple ligands: Examples of Alzheimer's disease investigation and circulating antibodies bioassay optimization


This webinar will show the potentialities of the new multiplexing and fully automated SPRi "XelPleX" by illustrating two examples of the simultaneous characterization of multiple biologically relevant interactions.
The first example represents the discovery and the study of the interaction between the endogenous antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin (LL37) and different beta-amyloid aggregation forms spotted onto the SPRi chip surface. This study confirms that cathelicidin is a binding partner of beta-amyloid and suggests its potential role as inhibitor of beta-amyloid fibrils.
The second example concerns the development and the optimization of a peptide microarray for the detection of circulating IgE antibodies in milk allergic patients. SPRi measurements permitted to select the best epitope presentation strategy (i.e. multiple epitope presentation) in order to obtain optimal analytical performances.

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