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A-TEEM Case Studies and Publications

Our A-TEEM Case Studies and Publications document real-world applications and usage of A-TEEM technology. It comes in the form of case studies. Each one demonstrates the use of A-TEEM to accomplish research and QA/QC goals. It also shows the diversity of uses for A-TEEM, which is successfully being engaged in the field for anything from measuring dissolved organic matter at water treatment plants to detecting mold in grain for distillers and wine classification for wineries.


A-TEEM Publications

A-TEEM Publications on Wine

A-TEEM is a rapid spectroscopic approach for characterization of poly-phenolic content in red wines and can be used for wine-fingerprinting.
Multivariate spectroscopy for targeting phenolic choreography in wine with A-TEEM™ and NMR crosscheck non-targeted metabolomics

A-TEEM can evaluate of  >40 key wine quality control parameters including low-molecular weight phenolics, anthocyanins, basic chemistry parameters and tannins:
"Determination of Cabernet Sauvignon wine quality parameters in Chile by Absorbance-Transmission and fluorescence Excitation Emission Matrix (A-TEEM) spectroscopy"

A-TEEM has been used for geographical authentication for wines
"Authentication of the geographical origin of Australian Cabernet Sauvignon wines using spectrofluorometric and multi-element analyses with multivariate statistical modelling"

The Aqualog and A-TEEM spectroscopy can provide information on wine varieties and oxidation characteristics of key phenolic and anthocyanin compounds:
"Spectroscopic analysis of red wines with A-TEEM molecular fingerprinting"

The A-TEEM technique can be used for effective classification of wine-storage conditions to differentiate different American and French oak barrels from each other and stainless steel containers:
"Multivariate spectroscopy for targeting phenolic choreography in wine with A-TEEM and NMR crosscheck non-targeted metabolomics"

A-TEEM coupled with machine learning can be used for highly accurate classification of wines by both region and variety:
"Spectrofluorometric analysis combined with machine learning for geographical and varietal authentication, and prediction of phenolic compound concentrations in red wine"

This study documents the ability of the A-TEEM coupled with machine-learning methods to confirm the terroir of Shiraz wines:
"Application of fluorescence spectroscopy with multivariate analysis for authentication of Shiraz wines from different regions" 

This is an important study documenting the ability of the A-TEEM to authenticate and quantify mixtures of different wine varieties:
"Spectrofluorometric analysis to trace the molecular fingerprint of wine during the winemaking process and recognise the blending percentage of different varietal wines"

This study shows the benefits of asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation for non-invasiveness and reliability when characterizing the chromophoric colloidal matter in Burgundy wines:
"Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation of white wine chromophoric colloidal matter"

A unique study documenting how combined multivariate analysis of A-TEEM and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy can be a useful tool for monitoring wine fermentation:
"Multispectral fluorescence sensitivity to acidic and polyphenolic changes in Chardonnay wines – The case study of malolactic fermentation"

This study documents how the Aqualog and A-TEEM can provide exquisite correlations with sensory perception characteristics important for wine quality evaluation:
"Modelling Cabernet-Sauvignon wine sensory traits from spectrofluorometric data"

This study combines and correlates ultrahigh resolution MS and A-TEEM spectroscopies to understand how sulfites and stoppers influence the fingerprint characteristics of wine:
"Sulfites and the wine metabolome" 

This novel study revealed that SO2 – and vintage-dependent signatures, showed the extent of their effects on key fluorescence EEM components, even after several years of bottle aging:
"Fluorescence fingerprinting of bottled white wines can reveal memories related to sulfur dioxide treatments of the must"

This important study shows how MS and A-TEEM fingerprints reveal the effects of Grapevine Trunk Diseases on the leaf metabolome:
"Clone-Dependent Expression of Esca Disease Revealed by Leaf Metabolite Analysis"

This paper shows how untargeted A-TEEM analysis can be used to evaluate the influence of the Oenococcus oeni lifestyle (planktonic vs. biofilm) on malolactic acid fermentation:
"Chemical Transfers Occurring Through Oenococcus oeni Biofilm in Different Enological Conditions" 

A-TEEM Publications on Spirits and Beer

This study shows that the A-TEEM can differentiate whisky as a function of oak maturation time:
"Influence of regionality and maturation time on the chemical fingerprint of whisky."

A unique study comparing the type of distillation (Coffey vs. Pot still) and yeast lees aging of the molasses to show how A-TEEM spectroscopy can be used for effective classification:
"Effect of ageing on lees and distillation process on fermented sugarcane molasses for the production of rum."

Read about how A-TEEM spectroscopy and multivariate analysis can identify major components of beer and how these methods may serve as real-time monitors for key components including amino acids, phenolic compounds, iso-a-acid and vitamin B among others:
"Substances in beer that cause fluorescence: evaluating the qualitative and quantitative determination of these ingredients."

A-TEEM Analysis of Chinese Tea

Read about how the A-TEEM can accurately discriminate and authenticate teas by brick-type and brand:
"Excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with chemometric methods for characterization and authentication of Anhua brick tea"

Here, near-infrared spectroscopy and spectrofluorometric techniques were utilized to determine the spectral characteristics of dried SSDT and its brew, respectively
Multidimensional Quality Characteristics of Sichuan South-Road Dark Tea and Its Chemical Prediction

A-TEEM is used to identify the dark tea brands and their aging periods
Utilizing excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy and convolutional neural networks for dark tea brand and aging period identification

This study shows how A-TEEM can be used for brand recognition of brick tea
Hybrid N-way Partial Least Squares and Random Forest Model for Brick Tea Identification Based on Excitation–emission Matrix Fluorescence Spectroscopy

A-TEEM Publications on Food

Rapid and Solvent-Free Method for the Direct Quantification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Refined Maize and Rapeseed Oils
Xian Liang Ho, Stephanie Sukarti, and Untzizu Elejalde*

Chemometrics-driven monitoring of cheese ripening: a multimodal spectroscopic and scanning electron microscopy investigation
Hala Abi-Rizk, Delphine Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse, Julien Chamberland and Christophe B. Y. Cordella

A-TEEM Case Studies


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