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Spectroscopic Ellipsometer - In-Line

UVISEL In-Line Spectroscopic Ellipsometer

In-Line Spectroscopic Ellipsometer for Web Coater and Roll to Roll Systems

The UVISEL Spectroscopic Phase Modulated Ellipsometer is a turn-key thin film metrology instrument for in-line measurement of thin film thickness and optical properties. It features rapid measurement capability with data acquired every 50 ms for powerful control of thin film uniformity across the entire web.

The design of the UVISEL ellipsometric heads allows simple integration into roll-to-roll systems, while the software provides advanced communication capabilities suited to roll-to-roll production.

The software has been designed for an easy operator control. Push button operations launch the recipe providing in-line information of film thickness and optical properties along with traceable results. By using the UVISEL, high productivity and low down time is guaranteed. Special algorithms have been developed to ensure robust data in case of power failure.

For the demanding needs of flexible solar cells, flexible display and lighting and flexible ultra-high barriers using roll to roll systems, the UVISEL in line spectroscopic ellipsometer guarantees superior thin film quality control.

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA France SAS
  • Ultra fast measurement down to 50ms
  • User friendly monitoring
  • Robust data guaranteed
  • Simple integration and multi roll to roll process capability


In-line measurement of film thickness and optical constants (n,k):

  • Substrate materials: PET, PEN, PI, PC, PA, TAC…
  • Thin film materials: 


    • Thin metal films: Ag, Al, Cr, Cu
    • Transparent electrodes: ITO, AZO, i:ZnO
    • Polymers, organic LED films
    • Dielectrics: Al2O3, SiN, SiO2, Ta2O5, TiO2, Nb2O5

제품 문의

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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

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