
We offer electric vehicle development expertise at all levels of the process

Graphic Icon Electrification (Electric Vehicle Development) Segment of Vehicle Development and Testing HORIBA Automotive

出行方式正在发生变化。电气化无处不在,在经历了多年的中断和不确定性之后,越来越多的电动汽车现已投入批量生产。移动出行行业的所有主要制造商为了满足燃油经济性和二氧化碳排放目标,现在都在生产混合动力汽车(HEV、PHEV)或纯电动汽车(BEV),以满足燃油效率和二氧化碳排放目标。与此同时,我们也看到以燃料电池为动力源的燃料电池电动车(FCEV)也越来越受到大众关注。追随整个移动出行领域实现 “零排放” 的长期目标,HORIBA 提供多种解决方案以助力汽车行业技术的发展。


HORIBA 已扩大了其技术产品服务范围,以更好地支持用户攻坚克难,实现平稳过渡。我们最近完成了对 FuelCon 和 MIRA 的收购,FuelCon 其数十年来一直不断深耕和变革发展燃料电池和电池测试技术,取得优势地位。我们还提供工程咨询专业服务,帮助电池和燃料电池制造商和汽车制造商安全地开发、整合和优化其车辆的电气化技术。基于我们的历史积累以及先进技术的优势,我们一直为制造商和开发者提供切实可行的解决方案,为其缩短开发周期,并有助于实现电气化的潜力。

HORIBA 提供丰富的从零部件到完整的动力总成及集成电动汽车专业技术。我们为轻型和重型 ePowertrain 开发提供测试台架系统,覆盖从燃料电池和电池零部件到完整的子系统。HORIBA 具有经验丰富的工程师和专业人士确保每一个解决方案都能符合您的需求。众所周知,连接各系统的自动化系统软件很大程度决定了解决方案的好坏。我们的测试和实验室自动化工具建立在一个开放且高适应性的平台上,以确保安全、效率高的和优化的集成式测试体验。最后,我们在专业知识咨询方面可以帮助您优化测试环境并解决复杂的技术挑战,例如功能安全、NVH、热管理和汽车网络安全。

We understand the challenges that new technologies add to vehicle testing and certification — particularly the seamless integration of advanced battery and fuel cell technologies.

With over 70 years of measurement and analysis expertise, and decades of fuel cell and battery testing experience, our proven solutions and long-term industry partnerships set us apart.

We help vehicle manufacturers and developers shorten development cycles and fulfill their xEV potential using our ever-expanding range of technologies, added services and consultancy, and flexible software. Our solutions help battery and fuel cell manufacturers and OEMs safely develop, integrate, and optimize xEV technologies.

Contact us to learn more about our solutions for EV development


Deep Knowledge in Electric Vehicle Development

Electric Vehicle Development Matrix Illustration | HORIBA Automotive

We offer electric vehicle development expertise from component level to complete powertrain. We provide test stands for light-duty and heavy-duty e-powertrain development, from fuel cell and battery component level through to full sub-system with fully integrated automation solutions and engineering consultancy.

  1. Material characterization: analysis of batteries and fuel cells on a material level including degradation, abrasion, and chemical reactions.
  2. Component: testing and characterization of e-motors and transmissions. Testing of batteries and fuel cells, with solutions for testing batteries from cell to module to pack and fuel cells from cell to stack.
  3. System: testing e-powertrains of various vehicle architectures including battery-electric, fuel cell-electric, and hybrid-electric vehicles.
  4. Complete vehicle: testing the complete vehicle in the laboratory or on the road.

Our Global Expertise Helps Customers Along the Electric Vehicle Development Process

Our testing facilities in the UK (ABDS) and Japan (E-harbor), along with the University-partnered, The HIMaC facility in California, provide direct cell and pack testing experience.

HORIBA MIRA has proven projects in full battery pack and battery management development, in addition to proprietary approaches to efficient cell characterization, degradation analysis, and battery cell simulation modeling.

HORIBA MIRA: Expert Training from Industry Professionals

HORIBA MIRA's electric vehicle and fuel cell training courses provide comprehensive knowledge on EV and hydrogen technology. With courses on battery systems, thermal systems, and EV architecture, and IMI accredited courses on EV safety, participants acquire skills to navigate the evolving alternative powertrain landscape. Expert instructors with decades of experience in the automotive industry ensure a deep understanding, empowering professionals to excel.

HORIBA MIRA’s EV and Hydrogen Training Courses:

Visit the HORIBA MIRA website for more information.

HORIBA FuelCon: World Leader in Fuel cells and Electrolyzers

混合动力汽车 (HEVs)

The TrueData X-OPS 48 systems are able to emulate the behavior of electrical energy storage systems up to 60 V both functionally and electrically for electric vehicle development.

混合动力汽车(HEV)同时结合了内燃机和电机,通常一个完整的 HEV 依赖于再生技术(如再生制动)以及内燃机给电机的供电。插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)装配更大的电池,主要从外部获取电能。

纯电动汽车 (BEVs)

The End-of-Line system of the Evaluator series is tailored to the needs of complex production processes for battery pack development in electric vehicle development.


燃料电池电动汽车 (FCEVs)

FCEV. The S25-LT is perfectly designed for simulation of mobile applications in order to study fuel cell system behavior and optimize system design

燃料电池电动汽车利用车载燃料电池系统将氢能转换为电能,而氢燃料电池也被认为是实现 “零排放” 最有前景的绿色环保技术之一。

Battery Testing Solutions

Electric Vehicle Development Battery Testing at HORIBA MIRA

The development and commercialization of lithium-ion (Li-ion) cells has made batteries a fundamental system component in a range of industries including transportation. 



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