Hydrogen Energy

Our wide range of proprietary measurement and analysis technologies can bring better energy usage for production by implementing hydrogen, ammonia and other forms of energy. Saving cost and energy wastes.
Analyzer System Integration and Turnkey Analyzer Integration Solutions
Plant and factory construction projects of engineering companies are required to solve not only the permanent issues of the past, globalization, improvement of productivity and quality, and long-term stable operation, but also new issues such as GHG reduction and new environmental regulations in recent years. As a specialist in measurement, HORIBA provides total solutions for measurement to customers' projects through system engineering. Our engineering team can evaluate your current process or environmental conditions to make recommendations that improve process conditions and compliance with EPA regulations.
We offer the following Turnkey System Integration Services:
・Feed Support | Integration Applications |
In particular, based on five systems (CEMS, AQMS, PROCESS, WQMS, and AMC) built on our core technologies for continuous gas and liquid measurements, our system engineers design measurement systems optimized for each industry's project, taking into account actual on-site conditions. Furthermore, we develop new measurement technologies and equipment, comply with new regulations, and expand our global network to provide total solutions with improved cost performance and quality to our customers. In addition to plants in various industries, we also provide total measurement solutions for national environmental monitoring systems and semiconductor factories to help our customers solve their project issues.
More than 70 years of history and achievements in the field of measurement. We propose and realize total solutions by organically linking our core technologies and system engineering know-how cultivated in this field with our global network. In addition, by developing solutions that can contribute to carbon neutrality, we propose and develop new solutions to our customers' issues in areas such as GHG reduction and alternative energy.
HORIBA P&E Division provides the right contract personnel in instrumentation, electrical, and analyzer support services. Specializing in project maintenance, inspection, and turnaround support.
・Project Management Teams IN House
・Instrument/Electrical/Analyzer Engineer IN House
・Instrument Fitters field crew only
・Electricians field crew only
・Electrical Helpers field crew only
Support Services
・Start-Up & Commissioning
・Documentation Upgrades
・Maintenance Services
・Feed Studies
・Start-Up & Commissioning
HORIBA P&E services utilizing fully equipped mobile laboratories to perform EPA regulatory compliance testing and certifications. To maintain the highest accuracy and reliability a detailed QA/QC and preventive maintenance program is used on all testing equipment.
・CEMS and PEMS Certification
・Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA)
・CEMS Certification
・Quarterly Cylinder Gas Audit (CGA)
・Stack Compliance Testing
・Preventative Maintenance (PM) Services
・On-site Data Collection
・Continuous Compliance Data collection utilizing temporary CEMS
・CEMS QA Plan and SOP Documentation Services
・Consulting, Evaluation, and Technical Support Services
All equipment and procedures are in accordance with US EPA Reference Methods. HORIBA is committed to performing these test programs for in-house or permit specifications.
HORIBA Process and Environmental Houston offers the services of an analytical mobile laboratory. Our analytical trailer outfitted with HORIBA VA-5000 series analyzers capable of measuring NOx, CO, O2, SO2 and THC. The mobile laboratory is setup to perform Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA), analytical compliance testing, unit tuning and temporary CEMS.
HORIBA’s analytical mobile laboratory performs RATAs in accordance with EPA regulations 40 CFR 60 Appendix A Methods 3A (O2), 6C (SO2), 7E (NOx) and 10 (CO) also following 40 CFR 60 Appendix B Performance Specification 2 (NOx & SO2), 3 (O2) and 4 (CO). All testing is also in compliance with 40 CFR 60 Appendix F.
Along with the capability of performing RATAs, HORIBA’s analytical mobile laboratory is capable of performing analytical compliance testing in accordance with Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 30 Chapter 117. HORIBA uses the EPA regulations of CFR 60 Appendix A, Methods 3A (O2), 6C (SO2), 7E (NOx) and 10 (CO).
HORIBA’s analytical mobile laboratory is capable of assisting in unit tuning. With the ability to measure NOx, CO, O2 and SO2 HORIBA locates the mobile laboratory on a specific stack and gives real time data while the unit is adjusted to reach optimal performance. With a HORIBA technician onsite to monitor and respond to readings or setup and calibrated to let operations receive real time data.
HORIBA’s analytical mobile laboratory is also capable of being setup as a temporary CEMS to take the place of an out of service plant CEMS. The HORIBA VA-5000 series analyzers measure NOx, CO, O2 and SO2 with an onboard sampling system. With this asset the client can minimize downtime on a unit with replacing the plant CEMs with HORIBA's temporary CEMS trailer.
HORIBA Process and Environmental Houston offers accurate real time data with knowledgeable and dedicated technicians.
HORIBA’s System Engineering section is highly acclaimed for sampling design according to the sample’s chemical composition or physical characteristics as well as a variety of system presentation which meets the conditions at the establishment sites. Through HORIBA’s global network we can even handle technical standard that is required in each country such as Turn-Key Project.
* Please consult HORIBA for further details.
HORIBA is proposing and developing new solutions to meet customers' challenges toward carbon neutrality by incorporating new analyzers and applications into its measurement systems for R&D and pilot plants such as CCUS, hydrogen purification, and biogas production.
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