在饮料生产过程中,外部气味成分的添加和/或风味平衡的改变会产生"异味 ",这些气味会损害产品的口味,从而降低产品的质量。
Carbon dioxide (later, CO2) for food and beverage industry is produced in two different ways. For carbonated soft drinks such as coke, it is produced as by-product of ammonia synthesis process in petrochemical plant. Then, CO2 is purified in gas manufacturer’s purification plant, and finally sold to beverage manufacturers.
Figure 1: Production process of carbon dioxide as by-product from petrochemical plants
For brewery, carbon dioxide is produced as by-product during the yeast fermentation process. Breweries prevent CO2 from going into the atmosphere by utilizing the gas for their products.
Figure 2: Production process of carbon dioxide as by-product from fermentation in breweries
Sulfur, or hydrogen sulfide, is a gas that has a characteristic foul odor of rotten eggs, which can lead to bad smell and bad taste of beverages. CO2 that is produced from fermentation process in brewery or from ammonia synthesis process in petrochemical plant have small amount of hydrogen sulfide.
For example, brewery (beer manufacturer) have fermentation process in their production line, where beer is manufactured from malt, hop, water and yeast. The yeast creates fermentation, where sugar (dextrose) breaks down into ethanol and CO2 in the absence of oxygen.
C6H12O6 (dextrose) → 2C2H5OH (ethanol) + 2CO2 (carbon dioxide)
In the fermentation process, yeast consumes sugar and expels a large amount of CO2 which can be “reclaimed” and used for beer. Unfortunately, during fermentation process, it also produces toxic, odorous sulfides which can foam up into the piping and contaminate the reclaimed CO2. In order to continue using the reclaimed CO2 byproduct but avoid the contamination of bottled beer with foul-smelling toxins, the reclaimed gas is run through deodorizing process shown in the Figure 3 below. However, sulfide breakthrough can occur if the CO2 gas did not spend enough time in the scrubber. Employees are sometimes tasked with sniff-testing of the reclaimed CO2, but this is an unhealthy practice and is very discrete to vigilantly prevent product contamination.
Another practice is batch measurement with gas chromatography conducted in the lab, but it will never give real time data, consequently it might be very hard to find out the contamination problem quickly. Finally, batch measurement is very expensive and contaminated CO2, which exceeds purity standards is simply sold cheaply or dumped.
Continuous monitoring is a very cost-efficient solution, as it can immediately prevent the use of contaminated CO2 in bottling beer as well as provide feedback to process control engineers for the processing time of sulfur removal. HORIBA can provide sulfide analyzer in CO2 base gas as a continuous monitoring solution to prevent sulfide contamination in brewery products.
Figure 3: The process of CO₂ reclaiming in brewery
在分析仪中对氧化后的硫化物异味进行高灵敏度的测量 (0-10 ppb)。 *请咨询我们可以测量的硫化物。