Hydrogen Energy

Our wide range of proprietary measurement and analysis technologies can bring better energy usage for production by implementing hydrogen, ammonia and other forms of energy. Saving cost and energy wastes.
In particular, based on five systems (CEMS, AQMS, PROCESS, WQMS, and AMC) built on our core technologies for continuous gas and liquid measurements, our system engineers design measurement systems optimized for each industry's project, taking into account actual on-site conditions. Furthermore, we develop new measurement technologies and equipment, comply with new regulations, and expand our global network to provide total solutions with improved cost performance and quality to our customers. In addition to plants in various industries, we also provide total measurement solutions for national environmental monitoring systems and semiconductor factories to help our customers solve their project issues.
More than 70 years of history and achievements in the field of measurement. We propose and realize total solutions by organically linking our core technologies and system engineering know-how cultivated in this field with our global network. In addition, by developing solutions that can contribute to carbon neutrality, we propose and develop new solutions to our customers' issues in areas such as GHG reduction and alternative energy.
HORIBA Process and Environmental Houston提供移动分析实验室的服务。我们的分析车配备了HORIBA VA-5000系列分析仪,能够测量 NOx、CO、O2、SO2 和 THC 。移动实验室的设置是为了进行相对准确度测试审计(RATA)、分析符合性测试、单元调整和当作临时 CEMS 使用。
HORIBA 的分析移动实验室按照 EPA 规定的40 CFR 60附录A方法3A(O2)、6C(SO2)、7E(NOx)和10(CO)进行 RATA 测试,同时也遵循 40 CFR 60 附录B 性能规范2(NOx和SO2)、3(O2)和4(CO)的要求。所有测试也符合40 CFR 60附录F的规定。
除了执行 RATA 的能力外,HORIBA的分析移动实验室还能够按照德克萨斯州行政法规(TAC)30章117条的规定进行分析符合性测试。HORIBA使用EPA规定的CFR 60附录A,方法3A(O2),6C(SO2),7E(NOx)和10(CO)。
HORIBA 的分析移动实验室能够协助单位的调整。 HORIBA的移动实验室能够测量氮氧化物、一氧化碳、氧气和二氧化硫,并提供实时数据,同时调整装置以达到最佳性能。与HORIBA技术人员在现场监测和响应读数或设置和校准,让操作接收实时数据。
HORIBA 的分析性移动实验室也能够被设置为临时 CEMS ,以取代工厂 CEMS 的位置。HORIBA VA-5000 系列分析仪通过机载采样系统测量氮氧化物、一氧化碳、氧气和二氧化硫。有了它,客户可以用 HORIBA 的临时 CEMS 拖车代替工厂的 CEMS ,从而最大限度地减少设备的停机时间。
HORIBA 的系统工程部门根据样品的化学成分或物理特性进行取样设计,并提供各种符合当地条件的系统展示,受到高度赞誉。通过 HORIBA 的全球网络,我们甚至可以处理每个国家所要求的技术标准,提供交钥匙工程。
* 详情请咨询 HORIBA 。
HORIBA is proposing and developing new solutions to meet customers' challenges toward carbon neutrality by incorporating new analyzers and applications into its measurement systems for R&D and pilot plants such as CCUS, hydrogen purification, and biogas production.