Cross- correlated SPM and TERS/TEPL characterization: A mandatory technique for proper characterization of 2D semiconductors

- | Evanston, IL

The Northwestern University Atomic and Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center (NUANCE) is proud to announce a collaborative half-day workshop with HORIBA on Cross- correlated SPM and TERS/TEPL characterization: A mandatory technique for proper characterization of 2D semiconductors


Beginning: 05/22/24

End: 05/22/24

Location: Evanston, IL

Date: May 22, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Place: Ryan Hall #4003 - Evanston Campus

Raman-TERS is revolutionizing nanoscale chemical analysis and imaging, offering unprecedented insights into materials ranging from 2D structures to biological specimens.

Join the discussion on diverse applications of Raman-TERS across various fields including 2D materials, polymers, thin films, perovskites, and biological samples.

  • Hear from leading experts in the field
  • Explore real-world case studies
  • Discover how Raman-TERS can accelerate your research
  • Find out about the state-of-the-art capabilities available at NUANCE SHyNE facilities, empowering researchers to harness the full potential of this transformative technology.
  • Network over lunch and participate in hands-on demonstrations of TERS systems at the NUANCE center. 


Click here to see the schedule and agenda, and register for this free workshop. LIMITED SEATING.

