GD-Profiler 2™

The GD-Profiler 2™ provides fast, simultaneous analysis of all elements of interest including the gases nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and chlorine. It is an ideal tool for thin and thick films characterization and process studies.
GDOES is an analytical technique that provides ultra-fast elemental depth profile analysis of layered materials, simultaneously offering quantitative measurement of all elements and thickness with nanometer depth resolution. HORIBA Scientific's pulsed RF GDOES instruments, with Differential Interferometry Profiling (DiP), are the ideal companion characterization tools for material research and process elaboration.
The innovative pulsed RF source allows profiling of all types of solid samples with optimum performance, from the first nanometer, to more than 150µm. Polymeric materials are easily sputtered with patented Ultra Fast Sputtering (UFS). In addition, this source can also be used to prepare sample surfaces for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).
All elements can be measured, including Hydrogen, Deuterium, Lithium, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and more.
The patented Differential Interferometry Profiling (DiP) allows direct measurement of the depth as a function of time, with nanometric precision, which is performed simultaneously with the GD analysis.
The patented High Dynamic range Detectors (HDD) used in all HORIBA Scientific GD instruments, allow real time, automatic optimization of the sensitivity, to analyze elements at trace levels in one layer, and as major in a second layer without compromise or need to make any adjustments.
Pulsed-RF Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer
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