
Spectromètres, microscopes et imagerie Raman

La gamme ultime de microscopes Raman

Leader mondial de la spectroscopie Raman, HORIBA Scientific s'appuie sur plus de 50 ans d'innovation dans cette technique. La microscopie Raman est une technique qui permet une analyse chimique rapide et non destructive des solides, des poudres, des liquides et des gaz. La spectroscopie Raman est utilisée dans des domaines très variés, de la recherche fondamentale aux solutions appliquées.

Nous fournissons des solutions de spectroscopie Raman complètes dédiées aux mesures analytiques, à la recherche Raman, à la spectroscopie Raman UV, au contrôle et à l'assurance qualité (QC/QA), ainsi qu'aux applications industrielles Raman. Ces solutions incluent notamment des spectromètres Raman, des systèmes Raman hybrides (par ex., AFM-Raman), des systèmes Raman modulaires, des analyseurs Raman par transmission, des spectromètres Raman dédiés aux processus in situ et des instruments Raman miniaturisés pour les fabricants OEM de gros volumes. Nos instruments de spectroscopie Raman sont utilisés dans des universités prestigieuses, des laboratoires de recherche et des industries exigeantes équipées de lignes de production dans le monde entier. Ils sont réputés pour les qualités suivantes :

  • Stabilité/fiabilité grâce à une approche de conception robuste
  • Performances et vitesse élevées grâce à nos nombreuses fonctionnalités d'imagerie ultrarapide brevetées
  • Facilité d'utilisation grâce à notre suite logicielle LabSpec renommée
  • Expérience utilisateur améliorée et gain de temps grâce à une automatisation accrue partout où vous en avez besoin
  • Possibilité de réaliser des mesures à l'échelle nanométrique grâce au TERS, en combinant le spectromètre Raman à notre technologie AFM

Les passionnés du Raman peuvent obtenir de nouvelles informations sur les applications, les produits, les webinaires, les articles, etc., en s'abonnant à la lettre d'information Raman XPerience et en consultant les numéros précédents. 

Actualité Raman

Webinar: SRS, CARS, Resonant Raman, … What are they?

Standard spontaneous Raman scattering effect is limited by its sensitivity. Different strategies are set in place to improve the sensitivity and the mapping speed based on different physical phenomena. These approaches resulted in the development of Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy (SRS), Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS), Resonant Raman spectroscopy, etc., each of which have advantages and limitations.

During this webinar, we will present the concept of these different techniques, and discuss their benefits and concerns.

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Webinar: Characterizing semiconductor materials by optical microspectroscopies

The growing of semiconductor materials industrialization requires technologies to characterize their properties. Optical microspectroscopic platforms like Raman microscopes offer both physical and chemical information in one system. Thus, process qualification, wafer uniformity assessment, or defects inspection of wafers can be achieved with Raman microscopy. These can also be applied to new materials characterization.

In this webinar, we will highlight how Photoluminescence and Raman microscopies can address semiconductor challenges. We will also show how the combination of micro-spectroscopies with AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) can provide nano resolution and deeper understanding of these structures.

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Webinar: Multivariate Analysis for Raman Spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is a technique allowing chemical discrimination and characterization down to the nanoscale. However, the spectral comparison, i.e., highlighting of spectral features of interests, can be challenging. That’s where multivariate analyses like PCA, K-means, etc. can have high value within the generated data.

During this webinar, we will present the most common multivariate analyses applied to Raman spectroscopy, as well as the benefits and limitations linked to the different Raman spectroscopy approaches.

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Webinar: Microplastics characterization by Raman microscopy

Microplastics are becoming the 21st century environmental scourge. To control it, more and more regulations are being set in all countries worldwide to monitor the amount of microparticles released in the environment. Thus, some techniques have been identified as reference methods: Pyrolysis GC-MS, Infrared microscopy, and Raman microscopy. This last one provides the best combination of information in both morphological and chemical characterization of each particle down to the micron.
During this webinar, we will present how Raman microscopy is becoming the best reference method for microplastics characterization.

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Webinar: Plasmonic and Raman: SERS and TERS

Raman spectroscopy is a good technique for chemical and physical characterization of materials, but suffers from a few limitations like a lack of sensitivity, or its micron scale resolution. Since the 1970s, the coupling of the plasmonic effect with Raman is more and more being used to overcome these limits. This phenomena association results in two enhanced Raman spectroscopies called SERS and TERS, respectively associated to Surface and Tip origins.
During this webinar, we will present how the coupling of plasmonic and Raman effects results to with SERS and TERS and details some applications.

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Webinar: Raman for battery and fuel cells characterization

With the global energetic transition and the move from thermic to electric cars, the improvement of battery becomes crucial. With that development, the analytical techniques used must be also adapted and developed to understand the physical and chemical processes occurring at the electrodes and electrolyte levels. Thus, Raman microscopy is an ideal method as it provides physical and chemical properties of materials in a non-invasive approach.

During this webinar, we will present how Raman microscopy can be applied for battery characterization, and for fuel cells, the future of batteries.

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Raman microscopy: the key elements

Raman microscopy is the combination of the Raman effect and optical microscopy. A Raman microscope is the association of multiple components where each of them is playing a specific role to achieve highly resolved and sensitive measurements.
During this webinar, we will present the role of each component of a Raman microscope and detail their characteristics and limits.

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Airborne Particulate Matter: Understanding its Composition with Raman Spectroscopy

Particulate matter poses a growing threat to air quality and public health. To effectively understand the effects and assess the hazardousness of particles, it is necessary to study them on a molecular level. Raman spectroscopy emerges as an effective method for revealing the chemical composition of airborne particles at the microscopic scale.

This Raman XPerience article reviews a selection of user's papers on this topic.

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Multimodal spectroscopy techniques for nanostructured materials characterization

Application Note - Multimodal spectroscopy techniques for nanostructured materials characterization

In this article, we present the combination of Raman spectroscopy, Photoluminescence and SEM-CL techniques, where the instruments weren’t physically connected. Smart nanostructured materials require a comprehensive understanding of their morphology, elemental and chemical composition. nanoGPS Suite solution allows a colocalized combination of a variety of microscopy techniques, providing a full characterization of nanostructured materials and a precise superimposition of the results obtained.

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Quality control of sugar content in beverages using Raman spectroscopy

Application Note - Quality control of sugar content in beverages using Raman spectroscopy

We all consume or have all consumed sugary drinks at least once. Sugar content of those drinks must be regulated. Also, to avoid those properties of sugar, it has been replaced by sweeteners. These have lower sweetness than natural sugars. Whether it is sugar or sweetener, their content just be controlled. Here, we demonstrate that Raman spectroscopy is one solution to identify and evaluate sugar/sweetener concentrations in a quality control process.

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Quality control of hand sanitizer gels and 70% alcohol products using Raman spectroscopy

Application Note - Quality control of hand sanitizer gels and 70% alcohol products using Raman spectroscopy

Disinfecting your hands with hydroalcoholic gel has become a daily practice. In the meanwhile, 70° alcohol has been used for even longer to disinfect wounds. But, to remain efficient, the alcohol concentration of these products must not be below a defined threshold and must be controlled. This application note demonstrates how to evaluate alcohol concentrations in a quality control process with Raman.

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Resolving micron-sized layers in multilayer films with Raman microscopy by cross-section analysis and confocal depth profiling

Application Note - Resolving micron-sized layers in multilayer films with Raman microscopy by cross-section analysis and confocal depth profiling

Multilayer polymer films, composed of different materials, are used in a variety of industrial applications. The analysis of these multilayers is important to support, especially for safety and performances control. Here, we use Raman microscopy by cross-section analysis and confocal depth profiling to investigate the chemical composition of two multilayers films.

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Solutions pour la Recherche

HORIBA soutient la recherche Raman depuis 1968, notamment avec des microscopes confocaux Raman haute performance ou des solutions et combinaisons sur mesure.

Solutions Analytiques

De la microscopie aux spectromètres Raman de paillasse, la gamme complète de solutions haut de gamme HORIBA relève tous les défis d'analyse en laboratoire

Composants Raman

Nos divisions OEM et Optical Spectroscopy ont pour mission d'accompagner tous les projets, incluant notamment les solutions de spectroscopie Raman et de microscopie corrélative


Des sciences pharmaceutiques à l'archéométrie, en passant par les énergies, l'environnement et bien d'autres : la puissance de la technique Raman s'applique à tous les domaines


Raman Academy

S'appuyant sur plus de 50 ans d'expérience en spectroscopie Raman, les experts Raman, les ingénieurs d'application et les développeurs de logiciels d'HORIBA ont produit une vaste gamme de ressources pour transmettre leurs connaissances.

Formation Raman

Nos formateurs sont des experts de la technique Raman. Vous bénéficierez de formations et de conseils qui vous permettront de tirer le meilleur parti de votre instrument HORIBA Scientific. Vous gagnerez ainsi en confiance et en expérience dans l'analyse de vos échantillons.

Spectromètres et microscopes Raman HORIBA

LabRAM Soleil
LabRAM Soleil

Spectroscope Raman - Microscope d'imagerie automatisé


Spectromètre Micro-Raman - Microscope Raman Confocal

LabRAM Odyssey
LabRAM Odyssey

Spectromètre Confocal Raman à Haute Résolution

LabRAM Odyssey Semiconductor
LabRAM Odyssey Semiconductor

Cartographie Raman et Photoluminescence de wafers


Spectromètre Raman de paillasse abordable

LabRAM Soleil Nano
LabRAM Soleil Nano

Nanoscopie corrélative directe en temps réel

XploRA Nano
XploRA Nano

AFM-Raman pour l'imagerie physique et chimique

LabRAM Odyssey Nano
LabRAM Odyssey Nano

AFM-Raman pour l'imagerie physique et chimique

Microscope Raman modulaire
Microscope Raman modulaire

Système Raman Polyvalent


AFM autonome avancée

nanoGPS navYX
nanoGPS navYX

Microscopie corrélative collaborative

Sondes à fibre Raman
Sondes à fibre Raman

Spectromètres Raman

Spectromètre Raman térahertz modulaire
Spectromètre Raman térahertz modulaire

Spectromètre Raman abordable à ultra-basse fréquence, jusqu'à 10 cm-1


Couplage optique AFM polyvalent

PoliSpectra® RPR for HTS
PoliSpectra® RPR for HTS

Rapid Raman Plate Reader – Multiwell Fast Raman screening

Raman Spectrometer - MINI-CCT+
Raman Spectrometer - MINI-CCT+

MINI-CCT+ Mini Raman Spectrometer


AFM et microscopie à lumière inversée


Plateforme optique AFM

Spectromètre Raman UV
Spectromètre Raman UV

pour les spectroscopistes Raman UV

Spectrographe HE
Spectrographe HE

Spectromètre Raman haute efficacité dédié pour un suivi Raman des procédés

Sondes Raman miniatures OEM
Sondes Raman miniatures OEM

Systèmes et composants Raman miniatures OEM

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