Essential Oils (EOs) are volatile essences extracted byphysical means (pressing and distillation) from a whole aromatic plant or part of a plant. Due to their beneficial properties (antimicrobial, antiviral, anti- oxidative, ntifungal…), EOs are formulated into many consumer products including perfumes, creams, bath products, and household cleaning substances, as well as being used for flavoring agents in food and beverages [1].
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) sets standards for analysis methods and specifications for EOs through its technical committee - TC54. Chromatographic methods (GC, HPLC) dominate for the analysis of EOs. Although well established and accepted, chromatography methods are time consuming (10–30 minute methods are common) and can be expensive on a per measurement basis, requiring the use of mobile phase, standards, and columns. There is demand for rapid and inexpensive methods for quick survey scans, and optical spectroscopic techniques come into play, depending on the requirements of the measurement. Recent studies have reported the use of fluorimetry, less common than Raman or NIR, as a rapid and less expensive alternative [2] that is suitable for the characterization, discrimination,
and QC of EOs.
Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer
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