HORIBA sets forth the "HORIBA Corporate Philosophy" as our fundamental mission to continuously improve corporate value, under the company motto “Joy and Fun”. The Philosophy comprises four provisions: “Business Operation” “Customer Responsiveness” “Responsibility to Shareholders and Investors” and “HORIBARIANs”.
HORIBA Corporate Philosophy is also the sustainability policy of the HORIBA Group. We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by promoting business in line with this philosophy and aim to increase corporate value.
* Pease click here to refer the HORIBA Corporate Philosophy.
For continuous business growth, it is vital to care non-financial values such as human resources, technologies, and HORIBA invests in these invisible values—namely, "organizational structure," "talents," "technologies," "customers," and "brand"—and performs everyday operations in accordance with the CSR framework shown below.
The relationship between invisible values and the CSR framework
Please see pages 13-14 of our integrated report “HORIBA Report 2019-2020” (year ended December 31, 2019) for HORIBA's five businesses and the value-creating cycle through businesses.
While pursuing numerical targets such as net sales and profits, HORIBA works to increase the value of its brand by carefully fostering the talents, technologies, and corporate culture that it encompasses, all of which are essential for continuous growth and act as a source for future earnings. We believe that continuing the wide range of activities in which we engage to expand our other four invisible values, which are our "organizational structure," "talents," "technologies," and "customers," leads to the trust of our customers and thus bolsters the HORIBA brand.
To enhance our invisible values, we created the CSR framework that comprises the three integral values, "Joy and Fun" (corporate motto), "Open and Fair," and "Ownership and Challenging Spirit", which form the core of HORIBA's management. The framework organizes various activities, and we are working on them accordingly. HORIBA considers these activities to be the starting point of its CSR initiatives.
In October 2021, the HORIBA CSR Promotion Committee developed into the Sustainability Committee in order to promote sustainability initiatives. The committee is chaired by a director and appoints the heads of related departments as members. In addition, the content of discussions at the committee will be reported to the board of directors on a regular basis by the chairman. The basic approach sustainability in the HORIBA Group is to carry out it through our business. In the meantime, the committee will take the lead to specifically respond to the roles expected of society as a whole, including responding to climate change.
In addition, as a subordinate organization of the Sustainability Committee, HORIBA set up the ESG workshop, which is a place for cross-organizational discussions and information exchange by practitioners. With a two-way approach, which is a top-down approach by the Sustainability Committee and a bottom-up approach from ESG workshops, the HORIBA Group responds sustainability in all directions as an entire company.