
Raman Imaging and Spectrometers

라만 이미징 및 분광계

라만 현미경 제품군

HORIBA Scientific은 라만 분광학 분야에서 50년 이상의 기술 혁신을 이뤄낸 세계적인 리더입니다. 라만 현미경은 고체, 분말, 액체, 기체의 빠르고 비파괴적인 화학 분석을 가능하게 하는 기술입니다.

HORIBA는 분석 측정, 연구 라만, UV 라만, QC/QA 및 산업용 라만 애플리케이션을 위한 완전한 라만 분광 솔루션을 제공합니다. 라만 제품군으로는 라만 분광계, 하이브리드 라만 시스템(AFM-Raman 등), 모듈러 라만 시스템, 트렌스미션 라만 분석기, 현장 공정 라만 분광계, 대용량 OEM 제조업체를 위한 소형 라만 계기 등이 있습니다. 당사의 Raman 분광기기는 명문 대학, 연구소, 전 세계에 걸쳐 생산 라인이 있는 산업군 등에서 사용되고 있으며, 다음과 같이 잘 알려져 있습니다.

  • 강력한 설계 접근법으로 얻은 안정성/신뢰성
  • 여러 UltraFast Imaging 특허 기능을 통한 고성능 및 속도 구현
  • NAT의 유명한 LabSpec 소프트웨어 제품군 덕분에 사용 편의성
  • 필요한 곳에서 자동화를 통해 효율적으로 개선된 사용자 환경 및 시간 절약
  • 라만 분광기와 당사의 AFM 기술을 결합하여 TERS를 통한 나노스케일 측정 가능

Raman News

All you need to know (and more) about detectors and spectrometers for spectroscopy (Raman, PL…)

This webinar will explain how detectors and spectrometers work and dig into the notions of efficency, noise, etaloning, numerical aperture and etendue, resolution…

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Unlocking Insights: Multivariate Data Analysis (MVA) and Chemometrics on Raman Spectroscopy Data with LabSpec 6

Dive into the powerful world of multivariate data analysis and chemometrics tailored for Raman spectroscopy and Raman imaging. This webinar will showcase how LabSpec 6, our advanced software platform, streamlines complex data interpretation, enabling researchers to extract meaningful insights from multidimensional datasets. Whether you're new to chemometrics or a seasoned professional, this session will guide you through practical approaches to analyzing Raman spectroscopy data, empowering you to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

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Webinar: Characterizing semiconductor materials by optical microspectroscopies

The growing of semiconductor materials industrialization requires technologies to characterize their properties. Optical microspectroscopic platforms like Raman microscopes offer both physical and chemical information in one system. Thus, process qualification, wafer uniformity assessment, or defects inspection of wafers can be achieved with Raman microscopy. These can also be applied to new materials characterization.

In this webinar, we will highlight how Photoluminescence and Raman microscopies can address semiconductor challenges. We will also show how the combination of micro-spectroscopies with AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) can provide nano resolution and deeper understanding of these structures.

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Webinar: SRS, CARS, Resonant Raman, … What are they?

Standard spontaneous Raman scattering effect is limited by its sensitivity. Different strategies are set in place to improve the sensitivity and the mapping speed based on different physical phenomena. These approaches resulted in the development of Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy (SRS), Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS), Resonant Raman spectroscopy, etc., each of which have advantages and limitations.

During this webinar, we will present the concept of these different techniques, and discuss their benefits and concerns.

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Webinar: Microplastics characterization by Raman microscopy

Microplastics are becoming the 21st century environmental scourge. To control it, more and more regulations are being set in all countries worldwide to monitor the amount of microparticles released in the environment. Thus, some techniques have been identified as reference methods: Pyrolysis GC-MS, Infrared microscopy, and Raman microscopy. This last one provides the best combination of information in both morphological and chemical characterization of each particle down to the micron.
During this webinar, we will present how Raman microscopy is becoming the best reference method for microplastics characterization.

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Webinar: Raman for battery and fuel cells characterization

With the global energetic transition and the move from thermic to electric cars, the improvement of battery becomes crucial. With that development, the analytical techniques used must be also adapted and developed to understand the physical and chemical processes occurring at the electrodes and electrolyte levels. Thus, Raman microscopy is an ideal method as it provides physical and chemical properties of materials in a non-invasive approach.

During this webinar, we will present how Raman microscopy can be applied for battery characterization, and for fuel cells, the future of batteries.

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Raman microscopy: the key elements

Raman microscopy is the combination of the Raman effect and optical microscopy. A Raman microscope is the association of multiple components where each of them is playing a specific role to achieve highly resolved and sensitive measurements.
During this webinar, we will present the role of each component of a Raman microscope and detail their characteristics and limits.

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Airborne Particulate Matter: Understanding its Composition with Raman Spectroscopy

Particulate matter poses a growing threat to air quality and public health. To effectively understand the effects and assess the hazardousness of particles, it is necessary to study them on a molecular level. Raman spectroscopy emerges as an effective method for revealing the chemical composition of airborne particles at the microscopic scale.

This Raman XPerience article reviews a selection of user's papers on this topic.

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Quality control of hand sanitizer gels and 70% alcohol products using Raman spectroscopy

Application Note - Quality control of hand sanitizer gels and 70% alcohol products using Raman spectroscopy

Disinfecting your hands with hydroalcoholic gel has become a daily practice. In the meanwhile, 70° alcohol has been used for even longer to disinfect wounds. But, to remain efficient, the alcohol concentration of these products must not be below a defined threshold and must be controlled. This application note demonstrates how to evaluate alcohol concentrations in a quality control process with Raman.

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Particle Finder™: The best tool for microplastic and nanoplastic investigation

In this webinar, explore how Raman microscopy can be used to identify and characterize microplastics and nanoplastic samples through examples such as hand sanitizer. Plus, gain an overview of the latest HORIBA Scientific solution software: Particle Finder™.

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Particle Finder™: The best tool for microplastic and nanoplastic investigation

In this webinar, explore how Raman microscopy can be used to identify and characterize microplastics and nanoplastic samples through examples such as hand sanitizer. Plus, gain an overview of the latest HORIBA Scientific solution software: Particle Finder™.

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RamanFest 2022

The International Conference on Advanced Applied Raman Spectroscopy (RamanFest2022) will feature presentations from world-leading Raman experts and researchers using the technique across varied applications within life science, materials science, and energy and environmental analysis. It will bring together the world's Raman community to share, learn and discuss how Raman spectroscopy is being applied to today's problems and pioneering tomorrow's capabilities.

Official website

Webinar - Raman Spectroscopy, SERS and TERS Exploration of MXenes

Hear three experts in the field of Raman Spectroscopy discuss Raman, SERS and TERS for 2D materials.

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Characterization of protective mask fibers by Raman microscopy

Application Note - Characterization of protective mask fibers by Raman microscopy

Due to Covid-19, a wide choice of protective masks are now on the market. These types of masks are distinguished, in particular, by their different efficiencies linked to their filtration capacity. These differences in protective properties have therefore made it essential to characterize the composition of the masks. In this paper, we present why LabRAM Soleil™ confocal Raman multimode microscope is the perfect tool for studying the distribution and composition of mask fibers.

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Raman Research Solutions

From high performance confocal Raman microscopes to tailor-made solutions and hyphenations, we have been supporting research endeavors since 1968!

Raman Analytical Solutions

From microscopy to benchtop Raman spectrometers, discover HORIBA's full range of high-end solutions to solve all laboratories' analysis challenges

Raman Building Blocks

Our OEM and Optical Spectroscopy Divisions' purpose is to support any project including Raman and correlative spectroscopy solutions

Application Corner

From pharmaceutical sciences to archaeometry, including energy and forensics, discover the power of Raman for any field of applications


Technology & FAQ

Raman microscopy is a technique which allows fast, non-destructive chemical analysis of solids, powders, liquids, and gases. Learn more about this technique on the Technology pages.

Raman Training

Our trainers are experts in the Raman technique. They will provide trainings advice and guidance to maximize the benefits of your HORIBA Scientific instrument, and provide you with confidence and experience in the analysis of your samples.

HORIBA Raman Spectrometers and Microscopes

LabRAM Soleil
LabRAM Soleil

Raman Microscope


Raman Spectrometer - Confocal Raman Microscope

LabRAM HR Evolution
LabRAM HR Evolution

Confocal Raman Microscope


Affordable Benchtop Raman Spectrometer

LabRAM Soleil Nano
LabRAM Soleil Nano

Real-time and Direct Correlative Nanoscopy

XploRA Nano
XploRA Nano

AFM-Raman for Physical and Chemical imaging

LabRAM Odyssey Nano
LabRAM Odyssey Nano

AFM-Raman for physical and chemical imaging


Inverted Raman Microscope

Modular Raman Microscope
Modular Raman Microscope

Bench-top macroscopic Raman spectrometer

LabRAM Odyssey Semiconductor
LabRAM Odyssey Semiconductor

Photoluminescence and Raman Wafer Imaging

nanoGPS navYX
nanoGPS navYX

Collaborative Correlative Microscopy

Raman Fiber Probes
Raman Fiber Probes

Raman Spectrometers


Versatile AFM Optical Coupling

PoliSpectra® RPR for HTS
PoliSpectra® RPR for HTS

Rapid Raman Plate Reader – Multiwell Fast Raman screening

Raman Spectrometer - MINI-CCT+
Raman Spectrometer - MINI-CCT+

MINI-CCT+ Mini Raman Spectrometer

LabRAM Odyssey
LabRAM Odyssey

Confocal Raman & High-Resolution Spectrometer

UV Raman Spectrometer
UV Raman Spectrometer

for UV Raman spectroscopists

HE Spectrograph
HE Spectrograph

High efficiency dedicated process Raman spectrometer for rugged and robust Raman monitoring.

OEM Raman Miniature Probes
OEM Raman Miniature Probes

OEM Miniature Raman Systems and Components

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