Scientific: OEM

Optical Spectrometers and Camera Systems for OEM Industrial Applications

Miniature Spectrometers • Scientific-Grade Cameras • Holographic Gratings

Grating Spectrometers with CCD, CMOS and PDA

소형 섬유 분광계부터 TE 또는 LN2 냉각 CCD 및 InGaAs 검출기가 장착된 연구 등급 그레이팅 분광계 시스템 등을 제공합니다.

OEM Deep-Cooled Scientific Cameras

저조도 및 OEM 산업용 고감도 검출기 솔루션을 갖춘 다양한 과학 CCD 및 과학 CMOS 카메라

Optical Diffraction Gratings

산업 OEM 및 과학 연구를 위한 회절 등급 설정

HORIBA Scientific 은 CCD 분광계, 회절 등급 및 과학 카메라 분야에 자신있습니다. 당사의 OEM 부서는 차세대 요구 사항을 예측하고 경쟁 업체 보다 지속적이고 우수한 성능을 발휘할 수 있는 분광 및 이미징 솔루션을 제공합니다.

  • Better Stray Light performance thanks to the integration of our Aberration Corrected Holographic Concave Gratings
  • Superior SNR thanks to higher full well combined with lower read noise on our CCD and CMOS optimized electronics

HORIBA의 기술 포트폴리오는 VUV부터 근적외선 파장까지 포괄하며, 경험이 풍부한 프로젝트 매니저 및 엔지니어로 구성된 글로벌 팀이 귀사와 긴밀히 협력하여 귀사의 제품 및 비즈니스 요구 사항을 파악합니다. HORIBA는 가장 까다로운 산업 애플리케이션을 위한 혁신적이고 합리적인 비용의 볼륨 분광 및 이미징 솔루션을 함께 제공합니다.

미래에도 사용 가능한 OEM이 아니며 더 큰 연구 등급의 분광 시스템(1/4미터 분광계 및 더 긴 초점 거리)을 찾고 있는 경우 HORIBA의 맞춤형 분광 부서에 연락바랍니다.

Browse Products


Compact High Resolution CMOS or CCD Spectrometer


High Spectral Rate and High Dynamic Range Miniature Spectrometers

PoliSpectra® M116 MultiTrack Spectrometer
PoliSpectra® M116 MultiTrack Spectrometer

Multispectra, Multifiber, Multichannel Imaging spectrometer with 8-16-32 Simultaneous UV-NIR Spectra

PoliSpectra® VS70 Dual & Quad
PoliSpectra® VS70 Dual & Quad

DUAL & QUAD CCD Mini-Spectrometer

Syncerity Scientific Cameras
Syncerity Scientific Cameras

Deep Cooled UV/Vis/NIR and VUV Scientific Cameras

Hyperspectral PoliSpectra® H116
Hyperspectral PoliSpectra® H116

Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer Applications

Syncerity VUV
Syncerity VUV

Deep Cooled Vacuum Ultra Violet Scientific Cameras

Holographic plane gratings
Holographic plane gratings

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

Blazed holographic plane gratings
Blazed holographic plane gratings

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

Ruled plane gratings
Ruled plane gratings

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

Holographic concave gratings - Type I
Holographic concave gratings - Type I

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

Flat field and imaging gratings - Type IV
Flat field and imaging gratings - Type IV

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

Monochromator gratings - Type IV
Monochromator gratings - Type IV

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

CP20 Series
CP20 Series

OEM miniature spectrograph


Imaging Scanning Monochromator

InVizU Cube
InVizU Cube

Ultra Compact and Broad Range Spectrometer

Mini CCT Plus
Mini CCT Plus

Mini Raman Spectrometer

nanoGPS OxyO Encoder
nanoGPS OxyO Encoder

X, Y, Θ Absolute Position Encoder

nanoGPS OxyO Scale
nanoGPS OxyO Scale

X, Y, Θ Position Calibration Plate For Machine Vision and Microscopy


Compact Spectrometer for OCT

OEM Raman Filters
OEM Raman Filters

OEM Raman Filters

OEM Raman Lasers with wavelength-stabilization
OEM Raman Lasers with wavelength-stabilization

Only available for volume OEM purchase, minimum order quantity 50 units.

OEM Raman Miniature Probes
OEM Raman Miniature Probes

OEM Miniature Raman Systems and Components


UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer

PoliSpectra® 135
PoliSpectra® 135

Multichannel Spectrometer and Hyperspectral Line Imager

PoliSpectra® Quad
PoliSpectra® Quad

Multichannel Grating Spectrometer

PoliSpectra® RPR for HTS
PoliSpectra® RPR for HTS

Rapid Raman Plate Reader – Multiwell Fast Raman screening

PoliSpectra® UV-VIS-NIR Hyperspectral System
PoliSpectra® UV-VIS-NIR Hyperspectral System

Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer

Raman Spectrometer - MINI-CCT+
Raman Spectrometer - MINI-CCT+

MINI-CCT+ Mini Raman Spectrometer

Spectrometers - LIBS spectrometers
Spectrometers - LIBS spectrometers

Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)

Sylent™ Blue
Sylent™ Blue

Deep Cooled High Speed Scientific CMOS Camera

Sylent™ Mini
Sylent™ Mini

Ultra-compact Scientific Uncooled CMOS Camera

Synapse EM Camera
Synapse EM Camera



Miniature High Throughput Spectrometer


Miniature Multi Communication UV-NIR Spectrometer


Highest SNR PDA Miniature Spectrometer


Miniature 18-Bit Spectrometer


Cost-effective, High-performance Mini Spectrometer

VU90 Spectrometer
VU90 Spectrometer

Most Compact Vacuum UV Back-Illuminated CCD Spectrometer (VUV-FUV)

If you are not a future OEM and are looking for larger, research-grade spectroscopy systems, please visit our Custom Spectroscopy Division

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