X-ray Fluorescence Analyzers [XRF]

HORIBA의 XGT 시스템은 고성능 에너지 분산형 X선 형광(EDXRF)을 제공합니다. 특허받은 XGT(X-Ray Guide Tube) 기술은 기존의 X-Ray 형광법과 작은 스폿 분석을 결합합니다. 직경이 3mm에서 10μm에 이르는 고강도 X선 빔은 X선 형광 분석기에 다목적 분석 기능을 제공합니다. 개별 미세 입자에서도 완전한 정성 및 정량적 원소 분석이 가능하며, 매핑 분석은 상세한 원소 분포 이미지를 제공합니다.

HORIBA의 X선 형광 기술의 혜택을 받는 응용 분야로는 포렌식, 지질학, 재료, 생물학/의학, 전자공학, 고고학, 엔진 마모 분석, 제약학, RoHS/ELV 컴플라이언스 테스트가 있습니다.

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X선 분석 현미경(Micro-XRF)


X선 분석 현미경 초대형 챔버 모델


X선 형광 분석기


X선 형광 분석기


The Hayabusa2 asteroid explorer and HORIBA

Read about HORIBA’s contributions to the exploration and analysis of the Ryugu asteroid.

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Application: Non-destructive Failure Analysis on Electronic Components Using the XGT-9000

μ-XRF is a non-destructive analytical technique which can inspect defects, even non-visible ones, inside a sample because of the high penetration of X-rays. This application note introduces failure analysis to detect ion migration, voids, and foreign matter on electronics using the XGT-9000, with key features of the vertical irradiation of a 10 μm probe and the simultaneous imaging of fluorescent X-rays and transmission X-rays.

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Application: Spectroscopic Analysis Explains the Mystery of Dragonfly Eye Beads

Spectroscopic analysis can reveal the origin of cultural heritages and the historical background at the time. This application note introduces research of a dragonfly eye bead found in a tomb in China. Using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray analytical microscopy, the bead was found to be from the Eastern Mediterranean region and the result suggested China had cultural and economic exchanges with them during that era.

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Application corner

The unique features and high performance of the XGT series has opened up the micro-XRF technique to a wide and varied range of applications where fast and accurate elemental analysis can solve problems and shed light on the complexities of nature.


HORIBA is experts in X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) micro-analysis, and can propose high performance solutions for spatially resolved XRF analysis with analysis spot sizes as low as 10 µm.

Application corner

The unique features and high performance of the XGT series has opened up the micro-XRF technique to a wide and varied range of applications where fast and accurate elemental analysis can solve problems and shed light on the complexities of nature.

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