How to Present and Compare Data Obtained by Particle Tracking Analysis and Other Related Methods

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Webinar Description

This Webinar is for anyone who wants to understand how experimental data should be presented and compared properly while using histograms.
Dr. Kuba Tatarkiewicz will examine methods for particle size distributions as obtained by particle tracking analysis, fluorescence, as well as micro-sedimentation. Choices of binning schemes that users can design themselves will be discussed with examples of how various parameters (like mode and D50) change with different binnings, especially for highly polydisperse colloids. Methods for comparison of particle size distributions will be presented and explained in practical terms.

Particle Analysis Products

ViewSizer 3000
ViewSizer 3000

멀티 레이저 나노 입자 추적 분석기

nanoPartica SZ-100V2 Series
nanoPartica SZ-100V2 Series

나노입자 분석기

Partica LA-960V2
Partica LA-960V2

레이저 산란 입자 크기 분포 분석기

Partica mini LA-350
Partica mini LA-350

레이저 회절 입도 분포 분석기

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